Alain Dupas

Alain Dupas

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Alain DUPAS is a Senior Advisor for Aerospace for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London, and the Director of Strategic Studies at the Paris-based Collège de Polytechnique.
Trained as a physicist, he received his Ph.D.
(“Doctorat d’Etat”) in 1977 from Paris-Orsay University.
Since the 1980s he has served as a Fellow of the Space Policy Institute at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
A co-founder and scientific director of the Center for Research between strategies and technologies (CREST) at Ecole Polytechnique, he has worked as an expert analyst for Aérospatiale, EADS, SEP, ESA and served as an advisor for CNES between 1982 and 2004,with a focus on human spaceflight and exploration.
As a Board member of the International Space University from 1989 to 1993, Dr. Dupas was a member of the faculty for many ISU summer schools.
He served as European Editor of the scholarly journal Space Policy since its creation in 1983 to 2003.
He is the author of many books, notably L’Age des Satellites (Hachette), Une Autre Histoire de l’Espace (Gallimard) and Destination Mars (Solar), also published in English by Firefly Books (2004).

Precedenti posizioni note di Alain Dupas

Astrolabe Ventures (France) Investitore di Private Equity 01/06/2010
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Società quotate in Borsa

Aziende private

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Società collegate

Aziende private1
Astrolabe Ventures (France)
