Brian Johnston

Brian Johnston

Direttore/Membro del Consiglio presso SIENNA SENIOR LIVING INC.

Patrimonio netto: 268 750 $ in data 31/01/2025

66 anni
Consumer Durables
Consumer Services

Relazioni attive

NomeSessoEtàSocietà collegateCollaborazione
Raj Babber M -
12 anni
Nitin Jain M 49 11 anni
Shelly Jamieson F 67 4 anni
David Hung M - 10 anni
Stephen Sender M 66 8 anni
Rupert Duchesne M 65
11 anni
Erich Mohr M 71
University of Victoria
David Allison Dodge M 80
Nancy Webb F - 6 anni
Gina Cody M 68 3 anni
William B. P. Robson M -
Adam Walsh M 51 -
Greg Goutis M -
Neena Chappell M -
University of Victoria
Cathryn Cranston F 64
Dianne Craig F 60
Laura Dottori-Attanasio F 57
Hugh MacKinnon M -
Bruce Shirreff M -
Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp.
11 anni
Howard Brunt M -
University of Victoria
Stephen Liptrap M 59
André G. Plourde M -
Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp.
17 anni
Neil Fraser M -
Richard Stanwick M -
University of Victoria
25 anni
Bill Tofflemire M -
10 anni
Louise Poirier-Landry F -
Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp.
11 anni
William Doyle M 74
Olga Giovanniello F - -
Melita Varga F -
7 anni
Allison McGeer F - -
Heather Chalmers F -
7 anni
Hugh Boyd M - -
Sanjay Kaith M -
D. Yeates M -
Ajay Kaith M -
Michael Whelan M -
7 anni
Michael Kraljevic M -
Helena Gottschling F -
Mary Ormond F -
Anna Ritacca F -
Robert Burke M -
University of Victoria
Faheem Tejani M 51
7 anni
Jonathan Tétrault M -
Mark Poweska M 55
Salima Rawji F -
7 anni
James William Garcelon M 54
Townsend Haines M -
University of Victoria
Stephen Smith M 72
David R. Boyd M -
University of Victoria
Herbert C. Pinder M 78
Hélène Desmarais F 69
20 anni
Daphne Corbett F -
University of Victoria
10 anni
Paul Boniferro M 59 3 anni
Cyrus Madon M 60
Victor Dodig M 59
Russell Campbell M 68
Aaron Regent M 59
Blake Goldring M 67
Heather E. L. Munroe-Blum M 74
J. Lindsay Gordon M 73
Yvan Joseph Bourdeau M -
Anne L. Fraser M 84
University of Victoria
Kathleen Taylor F 68
Paul Jenkins M 65
Jack Cockwell M 84
Nancy Southern F 68
Brian Levitt M 77
Margaret M. Whelan F 52
8 anni
Stephen Letwin M 69
Jochen Tilk M 61
Hari Panday M -
Tammy Oldenburg F -
Saul Klein M 65
University of Victoria
Dallas Howe M 80
Jeffery Lozon M 73
Thomas Fyles M 73
University of Victoria
46 anni
W. Andrew Schloss M -
University of Victoria
Rich Kruger M 65
Nicholas Le Pan M 73
Finn Poschmann M -
27 anni
Paul Rooney M -
Teresa Fritsch F - 3 anni
Bradley Corson M 63
Gilles Ouellette M -
M. Allan M 68
Charles Brindamour M 54
Gerald T. McCaughey M 68
Tom Buckley M -
University of Victoria
Mayo Schmidt M 67
Fred P. Rumak M -
Barbara Bellissimo F - 2 anni
Mostra altro

Grafico relazionale

Relazione in diverse aziende

Relazioni passate

NomeSessoEtàSocietà collegateCollaborazione
Dino Chiesa M 77
Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp.
47 anni
Karen Kinsley F 68
Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp.
26 anni
Lois Cormack F 63 7 anni
Janet E. Graham F 71 11 anni
Evan Siddall M -
Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp.
8 anni
Mark A. Lugowski M - -
Karen Hon F - -


PaeseRelazioni% del totale
Canada 98100%

Età delle relazioni







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