Governance American Airlines Group Inc.




Compagnie aeree

Tempo differito Nasdaq 22:00:00 14/02/2025 Variaz. 5gg Var. 1 gen.
15,97 USD +1,46% Grafico intraday di American Airlines Group Inc. -6,99% -8,38%

Comitato esecutivo: American Airlines Group Inc.

Posizioni ricoperteDa
Robert Isom

Robert Isom

61 anni

Chief Executive Officer 31/03/2022
President 29/08/2016
Nathan Gatten

Nathan Gatten

General Counsel -
Meghan Montana

Meghan Montana

Treasurer 01/12/2020
Ganesh Jayaram

Ganesh Jayaram

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01/09/2022
Scott Long

Scott Long

Investor Relations Contact 01/01/2022
Angela Owens

Angela Owens

60 anni

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01/03/2019
Priya Aiyar

Priya Aiyar

70 anni

General Counsel 01/04/2022
Corporate Secretary -
Ron DeFeo

Ron DeFeo

Public Communications Contact 31/03/2022
Sales & Marketing -
Mecole Brown

Mecole Brown

Human Resources Officer 31/03/2022
Devon May

Devon May

49 anni

Director of Finance/CFO 01/01/2023
Public Communications Contact 01/02/2022
David Seymour

David Seymour

60 anni

Chief Operating Officer 01/01/2020

Composizione del Consiglio di amministrazione: American Airlines Group Inc.

Greg Smith

Greg Smith

58 anni

Audit Committee Chair
Finance Committee Chair
Adriane Brown

Adriane Brown

66 anni

Governance Committee 19/09/2017
Nominating Committee 19/09/2017
Compensation Committee Chair
HR Committee Chair
Compensation Committee 30/05/2020
Governance Committee Chair 30/05/2020
Nominating Committee Chair 30/05/2020
Audit Committee 22/02/2021
Susan Kronick

Susan Kronick

73 anni

Finance Committee 12/03/2015
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee
Compensation Committee Chair 15/02/2013
HR Committee Chair 01/06/2009
John Cahill

John Cahill

67 anni

Finance Committee 09/12/2013
Audit Committee Chair 28/07/2011
Audit Committee 18/01/2025
Governance Committee Chair
Nominating Committee Chair
Michael Embler

Michael Embler

61 anni

Compensation Committee 24/09/2013
Audit Committee Chair 24/09/2013
Finance Committee 28/04/2015
Audit Committee 07/03/2022
Howard Ungerleider

Howard Ungerleider

56 anni

Compensation Committee 30/07/2024
HR Committee 22/10/2021
Executive Committee
Audit Committee 30/07/2024
Matthew Hart

Matthew Hart

73 anni

Governance Committee 19/01/2012
Nominating Committee 04/04/2012
Audit Committee Chair 10/12/2013
Douglas Steenland

Douglas Steenland

73 anni

Audit Committee
Compensation Committee 08/10/2020
Finance Committee Chair 08/10/2020
Denise O'Leary

Denise O'Leary

67 anni

Finance Committee
Compensation Committee Chair
Marty Nesbitt

Marty Nesbitt

62 anni

Audit Committee 11/11/2015
Governance Committee Chair
Vicente Reynal

Vicente Reynal

50 anni

Compensation Committee 06/09/2022
Governance Committee 06/09/2022
Stephen Johnson

Stephen Johnson

68 anni

Compensation Committee Chair 04/09/2024
Robert Isom

Robert Isom

61 anni

Director/Board Member 31/03/2022

Ex dirigenti e amministratori: American Airlines Group Inc.

Posizioni ricoperte
Jim Albaugh
Jim Albaugh
Director/Board Member 09/12/2013 10/05/2023
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/12/2013 10/05/2023
Ray Robinson
Ray Robinson
Director/Board Member 01/01/2005 10/05/2023
Independent Dir/Board Member 01/01/2005 10/05/2023
Doug Parker
Doug Parker
Chief Executive Officer 09/12/2013 31/03/2022
Chairman 09/12/2013 30/04/2023
Derek Kerr
Derek Kerr
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Director of Finance/CFO 09/12/2013 31/12/2022
Maya Leibman
Maya Leibman
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01/01/2012 01/09/2022
Elise Eberwein
Elise Eberwein
Human Resources Officer 09/12/2013 30/06/2022
Public Communications Contact 09/12/2013 30/06/2022
Daniel E. Cravens
Daniel E. Cravens
Investor Relations Contact 01/12/2013 01/01/2022
Public Communications Contact 01/12/2013 28/04/2015
Alberto Ibargüen
Alberto Ibargüen
Director/Board Member 09/12/2013 12/06/2019
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/12/2013 12/06/2019
Richard C. Kraemer
Richard C. Kraemer
Director/Board Member 09/12/2013 12/06/2019
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/12/2013 12/06/2019
Richard Schifter
Richard Schifter
Director/Board Member 09/12/2013 01/01/2018
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/12/2013 01/01/2018
Danielle Kirgan
Danielle Kirgan
Human Resources Officer 01/10/2016 01/10/2017
Steve Burt
Steve Burt
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/07/2016 01/08/2017
Beverly Goulet
Beverly Goulet
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/04/1993 01/06/2017
Treasurer 01/07/2002 01/11/2011
Suzanne F. Boda
Suzanne F. Boda
Corporate Officer/Principal 08/05/2017 -
Andrew Nocella
Andrew Nocella
Sales & Marketing 01/12/2013 01/02/2017
Hector E. Adler
Hector E. Adler
Corporate Officer/Principal 09/01/2017 -
Kevin Brickner
Kevin Brickner
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 18/01/2019 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2017 18/01/2019
Timothy Campbell
Timothy Campbell
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/12/2013 31/12/2016
Alison Taylor
Alison Taylor
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/07/2020 -
Sales & Marketing 01/09/2016 01/07/2020
J. Kirby
J. Kirby
President 09/12/2013 29/08/2016
Joe Mohan
Joe Mohan
Corporate Officer/Principal 15/08/2016 -
Stone Kimball
Stone Kimball
Corporate Officer/Principal 06/05/2015 -
Loral Blinde
Loral Blinde
Human Resources Officer 15/10/2014 -
Thomas Horton
Thomas Horton
Director/Board Member 01/03/2006 10/12/2013
Chairman 11/12/2013 01/06/2014
Bill Cavitt
Bill Cavitt
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2008 01/01/2014
Jeffrey Benjamin
Jeffrey Benjamin
Director/Board Member 09/12/2013 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/12/2013 -
William K. Ris
William K. Ris
General Counsel 09/12/2013 -
Caroline B. Ray
Caroline B. Ray
Corporate Secretary 01/12/2013 -
Avid Modjtabai
Avid Modjtabai
Director/Board Member 01/01/2013 -
Vasu Raja
Vasu Raja
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2004 -
Craig Barton
Craig Barton
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/09/1995 -
Bruce Wark
Bruce Wark
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1993 -
Bridget Blaise-Shamai
Bridget Blaise-Shamai
Corporate Officer/Principal 09/08/2016 -
Andrea Huguely
Andrea Huguely
Public Communications Contact - -
Thomas T. Weir
Thomas T. Weir
Treasurer - -
Kenneth W. Wimberly
Kenneth W. Wimberly
General Counsel - -
Michael Rider
Michael Rider
General Counsel - -
Grant McGee
Grant McGee
Corporate Secretary - -
Kevin M. Horan
Kevin M. Horan
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Christopher Irvine
Christopher Irvine
Public Communications Contact - -
Ilhan Ince
Ilhan Ince
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kurt Stache
Kurt Stache
Sales & Marketing 09/08/2016 -
Tim Lyon
Tim Lyon
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Charles Schubert
Charles Schubert
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Nathan Ross
Nathan Ross
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Patrick O'Keeffe
Patrick O'Keeffe
Human Resources Officer - -

Distribuzione dell'età dei dirigenti

Parità di genere

Uomo 20
Donna 9

Di cui Comitato esecutivo

Uomo 7
Donna 4

Di cui Direttori

Uomo 11
Donna 2


Revisione fatturato 1 anno
Revisione fatturato 4 mesi
Revisione fatturato 1 mesi
Revisione EPS 1 anno
Revisione EPS 4 mesi


ESG: Ambiente
ESG: Sociale
ESG: Governance
ESG: Controversie
ESG: Controversie etiche
ESG: Controversie sui diritti umani
ESG: Controversie sussidi fiscali
ESG: In linea con la finanza islamica
Logo American Airlines Group Inc.
American Airlines Group Inc. è la compagnia aerea numero 1 al mondo. Le vendite nette sono suddivise per attività come segue: - trasporto passeggeri (91,9%); - trasporto merci (1,5%); - altro (6,6%). Alla fine del 2023, il gruppo avrà una flotta di 965 aerei.
Altre informazioni sulla società

Partenze di persone chiave

Thomas Horton
Thomas Horton


11/12/2013 01/06/2014

Doug Parker
Doug Parker

Chief Executive Officer

09/12/2013 31/03/2022