Mercato chiuso -
Altri mercati azionari
Variaz. 5gg | Var. 1 gen. | ||
4,750 HKD | +1,50% | +4,17% | +24,35% |
Società quotate in Borsa
Aziende private
Grafico di relazione delle società quotate collegate: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
Relazioni attive
Relazioni passate
Società quotate collegate: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
Relazioni attive
Relazioni passate
Grafico delle relazioni per le aziende private collegate: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
Relazioni attive
Relazioni passate
Aziende private collegate: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds
Major Banks
Miscellaneous Commercial Services
Financial Conglomerates
Regional Banks
Regional Banks
Major Banks
Regional Banks
Services to the Health Industry
General Government
Financial Conglomerates
Investment Managers
General Government
Investment Banks/Brokers
Financial Conglomerates
Regional Banks
Regional Banks
Regional Banks
Regional Banks
Other Consumer Services
Miscellaneous Commercial Services
Miscellaneous Commercial Services
Relazioni attive
Relazioni passate
Statistiche di connessione
Società quotate in Borsa
Aziende private
Attività di società collegate
Regional Banks | 11 |
Major Banks | 7 |
Investment Banks/Brokers | 4 |
Miscellaneous Commercial Services | 4 |
Financial Conglomerates | 4 |
Investment Managers | 4 |
Wholesale Distributors | 3 |
Motor Vehicles | 2 |
Engineering & Construction | 2 |
Packaged Software | 2 |
Paese delle società collegate
Cina | 46 |
Hong Kong | 21 |
Canada | 3 |
Regno Unito | 2 |
Stati Uniti | 2 |
Sud Africa | 2 |
1 | |
Svizzera | 1 |
Isole Cayman | 1 |
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