Connessioni Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited





Mercato chiuso - Hong Kong S.E. 09:08:03 06/12/2024 Variaz. 5gg Var. 1 gen.
4,750 HKD +1,50% Grafico intraday di Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited +4,17% +24,35%


Società quotate in Borsa


Aziende private



Grafico di relazione delle società quotate collegate: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited

Relazioni attive

Relazioni passate

Società quotate collegate: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited

Relazioni attive

Relazioni passate

Grafico delle relazioni per le aziende private collegate: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited

Relazioni attive

Relazioni passate

Aziende private collegate: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited

ICBCCS CSI 300 Exchange Traded Fund

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

Renmin University of China

Other Consumer Services

Bank of Jinzhou Co., Ltd.

Major Banks

The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

China Investment Corp. (Investment Company)

Financial Conglomerates

The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd.

Regional Banks

Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Ltd.

Regional Banks

China Urban Financial Society

BOC Hong Kong (BVI) Ltd.

Major Banks

Boc Hong Kong (Group) Ltd.

Regional Banks

China Chamber of International Commerce

Services to the Health Industry

The People's Bank of China

General Government

Banque de Communications Co. Ltd.

Financial Conglomerates

ABC International Holdings Ltd.

Investment Managers

China Securities Regulatory Commission

General Government

ICBC International Holdings Ltd.

Investment Banks/Brokers

Central Huijin Investment Ltd.

Financial Conglomerates

Accounting Society of China

Bank of China International Holdings Ltd.

Regional Banks

Nanyang Commercial Bank (China) Ltd.

Regional Banks

Chong Hing Bank Ltd.

Regional Banks

China Banking Association

Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (Canada)

Regional Banks

Financial Accounting Society of China

China University of Political Science & Law

Other Consumer Services

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

China Society of International Finance

Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Relazioni attive

Relazioni passate

Statistiche di connessione



Società quotate in Borsa

Aziende private

Attività di società collegate

Regional Banks11
Major Banks7
Investment Banks/Brokers4
Miscellaneous Commercial Services4
Financial Conglomerates4
Investment Managers4
Wholesale Distributors3
Motor Vehicles2
Engineering & Construction2
Packaged Software2

Paese delle società collegate

Hong Kong21
Regno Unito2
Stati Uniti2
Sud Africa2
Isole Cayman1
Logo Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd è una società con sede in Cina che fornisce principalmente servizi bancari e servizi finanziari correlati. La Banca opera principalmente in tre segmenti, tra cui il Corporate Banking, il Personal Banking e il Treasury. Il segmento Corporate Banking fornisce prestiti, finanziamenti commerciali, depositi, finanza aziendale, custodia e altri prodotti e servizi finanziari correlati a imprese, agenzie governative e istituzioni finanziarie. Il segmento Personal Banking fornisce prestiti, depositi, carte bancarie, finanziamenti personali e altri prodotti e servizi finanziari correlati a clienti individuali. Il segmento Tesoreria comprende le attività sui mercati monetari, le attività di investimento in titoli, il commercio di valuta estera autonomo e il commercio di strumenti finanziari derivati. La Società svolge le proprie attività nei mercati nazionali ed esteri.
Altre informazioni sulla società