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Altri mercati azionari
Variaz. 5gg | Var. 1 gen. | ||
604,37 USD | -0,48% | -3,33% | -4,11% |
15/01 | INTUIT INC. : BNP Paribas Exane non più Neutral ma Sell | ZM |
13/01 | L'insider di Intuit ha venduto azioni per un valore di 667.838 dollari, secondo un recente deposito SEC | MT |
Gruppo Intuit Inc.: grafico delle relazioni
Scoietà private appartenenti allo stesso gruppo di INTUIT INC.
Società | Manager |
Intuit India Product Development Centre Pvt Ltd.
Intuit India Product Development Centre Pvt Ltd. Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Part of Intuit, Inc., Intuit India Product Development Centre Pvt Ltd. is an Indian company that provides general information about Intuit, including its history, values, corporate responsibility initiatives, partners, supplier programs, and more. The company was founded in 2010 and is based in Bangalore, India. The company's description includes basic legal information, trademarks, authenticity, licenses, and anti-piracy details. Additionally, the company's cookie policy is designed to help users understand how the organization intends to use cookies and similar technologies, and how they can manage these cookies. Intuit group companies, along with Intuit's authorized third-party partners and service providers, may make use of cookies on the company's websites, products, mobile apps, co-branded offerings, and other services such as emails. | - |
Intuit India Software Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Intuit India Software Solutions Pvt Ltd. Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services Part of Intuit, Inc., Intuit India Software Solutions Pvt Ltd. provides software solutions. The company is based in Bengaluru, India and was founded in 2008. | - |
Intuit India Technology & Services LLP | - |
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