Tempo reale stimato
Altri mercati azionari
Variaz. 5gg | Var. 1 gen. | ||
539,70 CHF | -1,55% | +3,45% | +52,73% |
13:58 | RBC mantiene il rating di Lonza con una guida 'filosoficamente invariata'. | MT |
12/12 | Lonza presenta una ristrutturazione, con l'uscita dalle attività non core. | MT |
Pubblicazioni ufficiali
Slide show half-year results | 25/07 | CO |
1st-half-year results | 25/07 | CO |
1st-half-year results | 25/07 | CO |
Changes in management and corporate officers | 25/07 | CO |
Half-year report | 25/07 | CO |
Changes in management and corporate officers | 01/07 | CO |
1st quarter results | 14/05 | CO |
Minutes of the general assembly | 08/05 | CO |
Minutes of the general assembly | 08/05 | CO |
Mixed general shareholder meeting | 03/04 | CO |
Mixed general shareholder meeting | 03/04 | CO |
Remuneration Report | 03/04 | CO |
Annual ESG Report | 03/04 | CO |
Annual Report | 03/04 | CO |
Changes in management and corporate officers | 02/04 | CO |
Business information | 20/03 | CO |
Slide show results | 26/01 | CO |
Annual results | 26/01 | CO |
Annual results | 26/01 | CO |
Changes in management and corporate officers | 26/01 | CO |
Annual financial report | 26/01 | CO |
Slide show half-year results | 21/07/23 | CO |
Half-year report | 21/07/23 | CO |
1st-half-year results | 21/07/23 | CO |
Minutes of the general assembly | 05/05/23 | CO |
- Borsa valori
- Azioni
- Azione LONN
- Notizie Lonza Group AG
- Pubblicazioni ufficiali
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