Presenter Speech
Alexandre Ricard (Executives)
Ladies and gentlemen, dear shareholders, I am very proud as I'm about to chair today's Pernod Ricard Annual General Meeting on the -- today, the 9th of
Mercato chiuso -
Altri mercati azionari
Variaz. 5gg | Var. 1 gen. | ||
97,78 EUR | -1,65% |
-7,89% | -10,29% |
11/02 | AlphaValue/Baader Europe declassa Pernod Ricard: il ritorno ritardato, la crescita più lenta pesano sulle prospettive | MT |
11/02 | PERNOD RICARD : giudizio positivo da AlphaValue/Baader Europe | ZM |
Presenter Speech
Alexandre Ricard (Executives)
Ladies and gentlemen, dear shareholders, I am very proud as I'm about to chair today's Pernod Ricard Annual General Meeting on the -- today, the 9th of