Azioni Lumber


Prezzo di chiusura CME 19:05:12 13/01/2023 Variaz. 5gg Var. 1 gen.
344 USD -2,22% Grafico intraday di Lumber -2,82% -7,95%
Grafico dinamico
JDE Peet's vede l'industria del caffè in difficoltà nel soddisfare la legge sulla deforestazione dell'UE RE
Sigma Lithium è scesa del 3,9% a causa dell'espansione del programma di conservazione delle foreste; riceve una lettera del Nasdaq sul ritardo del deposito. MT
Allarme polemica di Glass Lewis: First Resources MT
Allarme polemica di Glass Lewis: First Resources MT
Inditex, proprietario di Zara, chiede chiarezza al certificatore di cotone accusato di violazioni degli standard RE
Il consulente del fondo norvegese sta valutando la raccomandazione di cedere la quota di Rio Tinto a causa di preoccupazioni ambientali MT
JDE Peet's si impegna a non deforestare entro la fine dell'anno fiscale 25, nell'ambito della strategia climatica verificata da SBTi MT
La società partecipata Seed Innovations ottiene un finanziamento per un'alternativa all'olio di palma AN
Macron visiterà la foresta amazzonica con Lula durante il tour di 3 giorni in Brasile RE
Louis Dreyfus è ottimista sulla domanda agroalimentare della Cina, dice il suo CEO RE
Le politiche che affrontano la deforestazione rappresentano un rischio per gli investitori, dice il rapporto RE
La fascia di prezzo settimanale dei crediti di carbonio si contrae, secondo la ricerca di ClearBlue Markets MT
New York cita in giudizio il gigante del confezionamento di carne JBS per le affermazioni sul clima RE
JDE Peet's, Enveritas entrano in partnership per mitigare la deforestazione globale legata al caffè MT
Nestlé afferma che i protocolli sono in atto in seguito alla segnalazione di legami con la deforestazione da parte di un fornitore di olio di palma peruviano. MT
Altre notizie
JDE Peet's Enters Deals to Address Coffee-Related Deforestation in Three Countries
First Resources Refutes Media Report Alleging Deforestation Activities
JDE Peet's sees coffee industry struggling to meet EU deforestation law
Carbon Done Right Announcing Receipt of Fourth Disbursement of Financing for Sierra Leone Rewilding Project
Sigma Lithium Down 3.9% as it Expands a Forest Conservation Program; Receives Nasdaq Letter on Delayed Filing
Sigma Lithium Expands Conservation Program Against Deforestation; Receives Nasdaq Letter on Delayed Filing
Glass Lewis Controversy Alert: First Resources
Glass Lewis Controversy Alert: First Resources
Weekly Carbon Credit Price Range Contracts, ClearBlue Markets Research Indicates
Help Lula save our people, Yanomami leader tells Pope Francis
Zara owner Inditex demands clarity from cotton certifier accused of standard breaches
EU will not delay deforestation law, environment chief says on Ivory Coast visit
European Midday Briefing : Investors Cheer -2-
EMEA Morning Briefing : Stocks May Gain as Powell Reiterates Room for Rate Cuts This Year
Norway Fund Adviser Mulls Recommendation to Divest Rio Tinto Stake Over Environmental Concerns
News Highlights : Top Company News of the Day - Wednesday at 3 PM ET
News Highlights : Top Company News of the Day - Wednesday at 1 PM ET
News Highlights : Top Company News of the Day - Wednesday at 11 AM ET
JDE Peet's Pledges No Deforestation by FY25-end Under SBTi-verified Climate Strategy
Seed Innovations investee bags funding for palm oil alternative
EU members call for revision of anti-deforestation law
Macron to visit Amazon rainforest with Lula on 3-day Brazil tour
Louis Dreyfus upbeat about China's agri-food demand, CEO says
Policies tackling deforestation pose investor risk, report says
EU attempts to smooth South American complaints over deforestation policy
Weekly Carbon Credit Price Range Contracts, ClearBlue Markets Research Indicates
Weekly Carbon Credit Price Range Expands, ClearBlue Markets Research Indicates
New York sues meatpacking giant JBS over climate claims
EU members fail to back supply chain audit law
Singapore's green jet fuel mandate faces challenges
EU Lawmakers Strike Preliminary Deal on New Carbon Removals Certification System
Indian state of Kerala looks to cameras, social media to curb elephant attacks
Thousands homeless after DR Congo's worst floods in sixty years
Thousands homeless after DRC's worst floods in 60 years
Weekly Carbon Credit Price Range Narrows, ClearBlue Markets Research Indicates
CAC40 : repart à la hausse après digestion de l'inflation US
Poujoulat : recul de 9% du CA à neuf mois
Poujoulat : des prévisions de chiffre d'affaires revues à la baisse
JDE Peet's, Enveritas Enter Partnership to Mitigate Global Coffee-related Deforestation
Cogra : performance financière élevée avec une marge d’EBITDA de 18,6%
Cogra : repli de 2% du résultat net semestriel
Cogra : sa marge d'Ebitda semestriel proche de son niveau historique
Nestlé Says Protocols in Place Amid Reported Deforestation Links to Peruvian Palm Oil Supplier
India plans to protest EU's carbon tax at WTO meeting - sources
EU: conditions to complete Mercosur trade deal not met yet
Altre notizie