Anthony Charles Preston

Anthony Charles Preston

Nessuna posizione attualmente

69 anni
Retail Trade
Producer Manufacturing


Anthony Charles Preston is the founder of Pets at Home Ltd.
(founded in 1984) and Pets at Home Interco Ltd.
(founded in 1991).
At Pets at Home Interco Ltd., he held the title of Non-Executive Director from 1991 to 2011.
Mr. Preston's former job was as Non-Executive Chairman at Playnation Ltd.

Precedenti posizioni note di Anthony Charles Preston

Chairman -
Founder -
Founder -
Vedi nel dettaglio l'esperienza di Anthony Charles Preston

Posizioni ricoperte



Società quotate in Borsa

Aziende private

Vedi nel dettaglio l'esperienza di Anthony Charles Preston

Società collegate

Aziende private3

Retail Trade

Retail Trade

Producer Manufacturing

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  3. Anthony Charles Preston