Società (12)

Logo Axiom Properties Limited

Axiom Properties Limited è una società di sviluppo immobiliare e di investimento con sede in Australia, che si concentra sullo sviluppo e sulla fornitura di soluzioni tecnologiche immobiliari e di proprietà. L'obiettivo principale della Società è quello d ...

Logo Berger Paints India Limited

Berger Paints India Limited è un'azienda con sede in India, impegnata nella produzione e nella vendita di vernici. L'azienda offre prodotti in diverse categorie, tra cui rivestimenti murali per interni, rivestimenti murali per esterni, texture per esterni ...

Logo Delta Paint

Delta Paint Public Company Limited è un'azienda con sede in Tailandia, che fornisce soluzioni intelligenti nella tecnologia dei rivestimenti. Le categorie di prodotti dell'azienda comprendono vernici per la casa, vernici per l'acciaio e prodotti chimici. ...

Logo Green Technology Metals Limited

Green Technology Metals Limited è una società di litio integrata verticalmente con sede in Australia. La Società si concentra sull'attività di esplorazione e sviluppo del litio in Ontario, Canada. L'Azienda ha una base di appezzamenti di circa 40.797 etta ...

Logo Shang Properties, Inc.

Shang Properties, Inc. è una holding di investimento con sede nelle Filippine, impegnata nell'investimento e nello sviluppo immobiliare, nella gestione del patrimonio immobiliare, nella locazione di uffici e negozi, nella gestione di centri commerciali, p ...

Logo Avro India Limited

Avro India Limited è un'azienda di mobili stampati in plastica con sede in India. L'azienda è impegnata nella produzione e nella vendita di mobili e granuli stampati in plastica. L'Azienda vende i suoi prodotti con i marchi AVRO e AVON in tutta l'India, a ...

Logo Ltd Limited è un portafoglio di attività di vendita al dettaglio e di servizi. Le attività della Società comprendono Kogan Retail, Kogan Marketplace, Kogan Mobile, Kogan Internet, Kogan Insurance, Kogan Money, Kogan Energy, Kogan Travel, Dick Smith, ...

Logo Saurashtra Cement Limited

Saurashtra Cement Limited è una società con sede in India, impegnata nel business della produzione e della vendita di cemento e vernici. I segmenti dell'azienda comprendono Cemento e Clinker e Vernici. Produce cemento portland pozzolana (PPC), cemento por ...

Logo Tapinator, Inc.

Tapinator, Inc. sviluppa e pubblica giochi per piattaforme mobili. Il portafoglio dell'azienda comprende oltre 300 titoli che hanno superato i 500 milioni di download per cellulari, tra cui giochi come Video Poker Classic e Crypto Trillionaire. Pubblica d ...

Logo Buxly Paints Limited

Buxly Paints Limited è una società con sede in Pakistan, che si occupa della produzione e della vendita di pitture, pigmenti, rivestimenti protettivi per superfici, vernici e altri prodotti correlati, in base a un accordo di produzione in conto terzi con ...

Logo Sirca Paints India Limited

Sirca Paints India Limited è un produttore di prodotti per il rivestimento del legno con sede in India. La Società è impegnata nella produzione e nella vendita di rivestimenti per legno e altre vernici decorative, con marchi di proprietà o in licenza escl ...

Logo Ghazi Fabrics International Limited

Ghazi Fabrics International Limited è un'azienda con sede in Pakistan, impegnata nella produzione di filati e tessuti grigi, venduti sia nei mercati locali che in quelli esteri. L'Azienda ha due segmenti operativi, ovvero Filatura e Tessitura. L'Azienda h ...



Foto Matt Francis
Matt Francis

Attualmente, Matt Francis ricopre la posizione di Chief Technology Officer presso GameStop Corp.

Foto Matt Francis
Matt Francis

Matt Francis is currently working as the Vice President-Healthcare Resolution at The Garretson Resolution Group, Inc. He started this position in 2015.
Mr. Francis completed his undergraduate degree at Boston College.

Foto Matt Francis
Matt Francis

Matt Francis has worked as an Executive Vice President - Operations at Savers Marketing Corp.
since 2012.

Foto Francis Deprez
Francis Deprez

Francis Deprez è nel consiglio di amministrazione di Moleskine SpA, Belron e Belron Group SA e Group Chief Executive Officer di D'Ieteren SA. Nella sua carriera passata il signor Deprez ha ricoperto la posizione di Chief Strategy & Policy Officer presso Deutsche Telekom AG Chief Executive Officer presso Detecon International GmbH e Chief Executive Officer per Detecon, Inc. (entrambe filiali di Deutsche Telekom AG) e socio di McKinsey & Co. (Belgio). Il signor Deprez ha ricevuto un MBA dalla Harvard Business School.

Foto Francis Pelzer
Francis Pelzer

Attualmente Francis J. Pelzer ricopre la posizione di Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President presso F5 Networks, Inc. È anche nel consiglio di amministrazione di altre 6 società. In passato è stato Chief Financial Officer-Business Network presso SAP SE e Chief Financial Officer per Concur Technologies, Inc. (una sussidiaria di SAP SE), Direttore & VP-Software Investment Banking Group presso Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc., Vice Presidente per Credit Suisse First Boston LLC e Consulente di gestione presso Kurt Salmon US LLC. Pelzer si è laureato al Dartmouth College e ha conseguito un MBA alla Tuck School of Business di Dartmouth.

Foto Richard Francis
Richard Francis

Richard Francis is currently the President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
He is also an Independent Director at Mettler-Toledo International, Inc., a Director at Mettler-Toledo (Schweiz) GmbH, and a Director at Purespring Therapeutics Ltd.
Previously, he served as the Chief Executive Officer & Division Head at Sandoz International GmbH from 2014 to 2019.
He was also the Chief Executive Officer at Forcefield Therapeutics Ltd.
and the Senior Vice President at Biogen, Inc. from 2006 to 2014.
Mr. Francis obtained his undergraduate degree from Manchester Metropolitan University.

Foto Francis Mer
Francis Mer

Francis Paul Mer è un imprenditore francese che è stato a capo di 13 diverse aziende. È nel consiglio di amministrazione della Fondation pour l'Innovation Politique e di Viohalco SA e presidente della Fondazione Condorcet. In passato il Sig. Mer ha ricoperto la posizione di Presidente di Le Cercle de l'Industrie, Co-Presidente di ArcelorMittal SA, Presidente di Cockerill Sambre SA e Presidente di Ugine SA (entrambe sono filiali di ArcelorMittal SA), Vice Presidente di Safran SA, Presidente di Fdration Franaise de l'Acier, Presidente di National Technical Research Association, Presidente, amministratore delegato e direttore di Usinor Sacilor SA, amministratore delegato-Mousson di Compagnie de Saint-Gobain SA, presidente di Universit Paris Dauphine, presidente di World Steel Association, presidente di European Confederation of Iron & Steel Industries e presidente di Entreprises pour l'Environnement. Si è laureato all'Ecole Polytechnique e si è diplomato alla cole Nationale Suprieure des Mines de Paris.

Foto Robert Francis
Robert Francis

Attualmente, Robert E. Francis occupa la posizione di vicepresidente delle operazioni commerciali presso H.L. Moe Co., Inc. e di Chief Information Officer e vicepresidente di Steel Dynamics, Inc.

Foto Francis Kramer
Francis Kramer

Francis J. Kramer è presidente di II-VI, Inc. e presidente di M-Cubed Technologies, Inc. (una filiale di II-VI, Inc.). È anche nel consiglio di amministrazione di VLOC, Inc. Nella sua carriera passata il signor Kramer ha occupato la posizione di direttore delle operazioni - comunicazioni di servizio presso la Rockwell International Corp. Francis J. Kramer ha conseguito una laurea presso l'Università di Pittsburgh e una laurea presso la Purdue University.

Foto Francis deSouza
Francis deSouza

Fondatore di Flash Communications e IMlogic, Inc., Francis A. deSouza è un uomo d'affari che è stato al timone di 5 diverse aziende e attualmente occupa la posizione di presidente, amministratore delegato e direttore di Illumina, Inc. e amministratore delegato di Verinata Health, Inc. (una filiale di Illumina, Inc.). Il signor DeSouza è anche nel consiglio di amministrazione di The Walt Disney Co. e presidente di Medhelp International. Nella sua carriera passata il signor DeSouza è stato amministratore delegato di Flash Communications, Manager-Product Unit presso Microsoft Corp., Presidente-Prodotti & Servizi presso NortonLifeLock, Inc. e amministratore delegato di IMlogic, Inc. (una filiale di NortonLifeLock, Inc.) e consulente presso Kodiak Venture Partners. Francis A. deSouza ha conseguito una laurea e un diploma di laurea presso il Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Foto Timothy Francis
Timothy Francis

Timothy P.
is currently the Director at Delta Ltd., the Director at Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce, the Director at Delta Electrical & Engineering Holding BV (United Kingdom), the Chief Financial & Accounting Officer at Valmont Industries, Inc., and a Member of the Nebraska Society of Certified Public Accountants.
Previously, he served as the Chief Financial Officer at Greystone Housing Impact Investors LP, Deloitte & Touche LLP, and Burlington Capital Group LLC.
Mr. Francis obtained his undergraduate and graduate degrees from The University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1999 and 2000, respectively.

Foto Julian Francis
Julian Francis

Julian G.
is currently the President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. He is also the Chairman at Beacon Roofing Supply Canada Co. Additionally, he is the President at Owens Corning Canada GP, Inc. Dr. Francis previously served as the President & Chief Executive Officer at A.L.
Kilgo Co., Inc. He was also the Vice President & Publishing Director at Reed Business Information, Inc. Prior to that, he held the position of President at Owens Corning Insulation Systems LLC from 2014 to 2019.
Dr. Francis started his career as the Vice President-Marketing at USG Corp.
from 1996 to 2006.
He holds an MBA from DePaul University and has undergraduate and doctorate degrees from Swansea University.

Foto Francis Sullivan
Francis Sullivan

Francis X.
is currently serving as a Director at Kentucky Utilities Co., Louisville Gas & Electric Co., and PPL Electric Utilities Corp.
Additionally, he holds the position of Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President at PPL Corp.
His former position was as the Senior Vice President-Operations at NRG Energy, Inc. from 2008 to 2018.
Mr. Sullivan obtained an MBA from Drexel University and completed his undergraduate studies at Union College (New York).

Foto Francis Duhay
Francis Duhay

Francis Duhay is the founder of Kahala Biosciences LLC, Makani Science, Inc., KOA Accel LLC.
He is currently the Chief Executive Officer & Director at Microdermics, Inc. and Partner at K-5 Ventures LLC.
He is also an Independent Director at enVVeno Medical Corp.
and Chief Executive Officer at Kino Discovery, Inc. Dr. Duhay's former jobs include Senior Vice President-Medical & Clinical Affairs at Olympus Corp., Chief Medical Officer at Edwards Lifesciences Ltd.
(United Kingdom), President & Chief Operating Officer at Aegis Surgical, Inc., and President & Chief Operating Officer at Atrius, Inc. Dr. Duhay's education includes a graduate degree from The University of California, San Francisco and an MBA from Shidler College of Business.

Foto Francis Kim
Francis Kim

Francis S.
is currently the Chief Regulatory & Quality Officer at Nyxoah SA. Previously, he held the position of Vice President-Quality at Medtronic, Inc. and Senior Vice President-Global Operations at Waters Corp.

Foto Karen Francis
Karen Francis

Attualmente, Karen C. Francis è presidente di Vontier Corp. Fa anche parte del consiglio di amministrazione di altre 8 società. In passato la signora Francis ha occupato la posizione di presidente esecutivo per AcademixDirect, Inc., vicepresidente per Ford Motor Co., direttore presso Procter & Gamble Co., consulente presso Bain & Co., Inc., direttore marketing di Actua Corp., presidente e direttore esecutivo presso Publicis & Hal Riney, direttore generale presso General Motors Corp. e vicepresidente-Mass & Global Skincare Marketing presso Kao USA Inc. La sig.ra Francis si è laureata al Dartmouth College e ha conseguito un MBA alla Harvard Business School.

Foto Francis Contino
Francis Contino

Francis A.
is the founder of FAC&B LLC, which was founded in 2008.
He is currently an Independent Director at Rosehill Resources, Inc. since 2017.
Mr. Contino's former positions include Director & Executive Vice President at McCormick & Co., Inc. from 1998 to 2008, and Independent Director at Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. from 2004 to 2019.
He also served as a Director at The University of Maryland Foundation, Inc. and as a Managing Partner at Ernst & Young LLP.
Mr. Contino received his undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland in 1968.

Foto James Francis
James Francis

Attualmente, James Francis è responsabile delle operazioni di PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. Ha conseguito una laurea presso l'Università di Southampton e una laurea presso la Camborne School of Mines Ltd.

Foto Francis Blake
Francis Blake

Francis S. Blake occupa la posizione di Presidente non esecutivo in Delta Air Lines, Inc. Fa anche parte del consiglio di amministrazione di altre 5 società. Blake ha precedentemente ricoperto la posizione di presidente di The Home Depot, Inc., vicepresidente senior dello sviluppo aziendale presso General Electric Co. e vicepresidente dello sviluppo aziendale di GE Energy Management Services, Inc. (una sussidiaria della General Electric Co.), Consigliere Generale presso la United States Environmental Protection Agency e Vice Segretario presso il Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti (Distretto di Columbia). Blake si è laureato alla Harvard University e si è laureato alla Columbia Law School.

Foto Thomas Francis
Thomas Francis

Thomas Trevor Francis is currently a Non-Executive Director at Byotrol Plc.
Previously, he held positions as a Production Director at Côte d'Ivoire Telecom SA, Vice President-Global Research & Development at Unilever Plc, and Global VP-Research & Development at Homecare (Holdings) Ltd.
He also served as a Trustee at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
Dr. Francis obtained his undergraduate and doctorate degrees from Queen's University of Belfast.

Foto Matt Tucker
Matt Tucker

Attualmente, Matt Tucker è presidente e direttore operativo di Olo, Inc. Nella sua carriera passata è stato direttore operativo di Olo (NY), Inc., direttore operativo di Payfone, Inc., responsabile dello sviluppo aziendale di Smart Systems Technologies, Inc., presidente e amministratore delegato di RELY Software, Inc. e presidente di RecycleBank LLC. Matt Tucker ha ricevuto un MBA dalla Georgetown University e una laurea presso l'Università del Michigan.

Foto Matt Kaufman
Matt Kaufman

Attualmente, Matt Kaufman è Chief Systems Officer alla Roblox Corp. Ha conseguito una laurea presso l'Università della California, Davis e una laurea presso il Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University.

Foto Matt Isom
Matt Isom

Matt Isom è un vicepresidente dell'ingegneria di Plains All American Pipeline LP.

Foto Matt Plano
Matt Plano

Matt Plano worked as an Executive Vice President-Global Operations at ABIOMED, Inc. before pursuing his education.
He obtained an undergraduate degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an MBA from the University of Massachusetts.

Foto Matt Fitzwater
Matt Fitzwater

Matt Fitzwater worked as the Chief Compliance Officer at Barclays PLC from 2014 to 2023.
Prior to that, he received an undergraduate degree from Miami University in 1998 and another undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University in 2001.

Foto Matt Fielder
Matt Fielder

Matt Fielder is currently working as the Global Manager-Information System at Wisetech Global Ltd.
since 2018.
Prior to this, he worked as the Manager-Service Operations at Data#3 Ltd.

Foto Matt Ausman
Matt Ausman

Matt Ausman is currently the Chief Information Officer at Zebra Technologies Corp.
He started this position in 2022.
In terms of education, Mr. Ausman completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Florida and holds an MBA from Emory University.

Foto Matt Roden
Matt Roden

Il Dr. Matt M. Roden è un amministratore indipendente di iTeos Therapeutics, Inc., un partner esecutivo di MPM Capital Inc, un presidente e amministratore delegato di Aktis Oncology, Inc., un presidente e amministratore di Celgene Corp. e un presidente di Turmeric Acquisition Corp. Fa parte del consiglio di amministrazione di iTeos Therapeutics, Inc., Celgene Corp., BioNJ, Inc. e Nextpoint Therapeutics, Inc. Il Dr. Roden è stato precedentemente impiegato come Senior Vice President & Head-Enterprise Strategy presso la Bristol Myers Squibb Co, Executive Director & Analyst presso UBS Securities LLC, Analyst presso Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. (Old), un Head-Global Biotechnology Equity Research di UBS Investment Bank (New York), un Vice President di JPMorgan Securities, Inc., un Associate Analyst di Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC (Broker) e un Associate di Credit Suisse First Boston. Si è laureato alla George Mason University, si è laureato alla Georgetown University e ha conseguito il dottorato all'Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Inc.

Foto Matt Mansour
Matt Mansour

Matt Mansour è un Group Executive-Technology & & Operations di QBE Insurance Group Ltd.

Foto Matt Johnson
Matt Johnson

Dr. Matt Johnson is a Chief Scientific Officer-Diagnostics Division at Avacta Group Plc.
Dr. Johnson was previously employed as a Head-Research & Development by Abcam Plc.
He received his undergraduate degree from The University of Sheffield and a doctorate degree from The University of Sheffield.

Foto Matt Zmigrosky
Matt Zmigrosky

Matt Zmigrosky is currently working as the Secretary, Director, EVP & General Counsel at QEP Resources, Inc. He is also serving as the Secretary, Chief Legal & Administrative at Diamondback Energy, Inc. Additionally, he holds the position of Secretary, Executive VP & General Counsel at Viper Energy, Inc., Viper Energy Partners GP LLC, Rattler Midstream LP, and Rattler Midstream GP LLC.
Previously, Mr. Zmigrosky worked as a Partner-Corporate Section at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP from 2012 to 2019.
In terms of education, Mr. Zmigrosky completed his undergraduate studies at Tulane University (Louisiana) and obtained a graduate degree from SMU Dedman School of Law.

Foto Matt Weger
Matt Weger

Matt Weger is a member of the Board of Directors at the American Red Cross of Greater Columbus.
He is also the Senior VP and Chief Digital & Technology Officer at Big Lots, Inc. Previously, he served as the Chief Information Officer at Abercrombie & Fitch Co. from 2018 to 2022.
Mr. Weger completed his undergraduate degree at The Ohio State University.

Foto Matt Potter
Matt Potter

Attualmente, Matt E. Potter ricopre la posizione di Direttore dei servizi d'investimento presso SEI Investments Co. È anche membro del CFA Institute e della CFA Society di Philadelphia. Nella sua carriera passata il signor Potter ha ricoperto la posizione di Manager-Client Portfolio presso Invesco Ltd., Head of Client Services & Portfolio Specialist presso Lockwell Investments LLC, Principal presso Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Inc. e Performance Analyst presso Janney Montgomery Scott LLC. Ha conseguito una laurea presso l'Haverford College e una laurea presso l'Università della Pennsylvania.

Foto Matt Hough
Matt Hough

Matt Hough è Chief Information Officer e vicepresidente di Cintas Corp. Il signor Hough si è laureato presso l'American Sentinel University, Inc.

Foto Matt McDonald
Matt McDonald

Matt McDonald ricopre la posizione di vicepresidente senior dell'ingegneria presso Upwork, Inc. Si è laureato presso l'Università del Pacifico.

Foto Matt Wintle
Matt Wintle

Matt Wintle occupa la posizione di Chief Information Officer per Admiral Group Plc.

Foto Matt Darin
Matt Darin

Matt Darin is the founder of Frontline Real Estate Partners LLC.
He is currently the President & Chief Executive Officer at Curaleaf Holdings, Inc., the Chief Executive Officer at Curaleaf, Inc., and a Director at GR Holdings OH ND LLC and Datacrossing, Inc. Previously, he served as the Chief Financial, Operating Officer & Director at GR Companies, Inc. He obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois.

Foto Matt Miner
Matt Miner

Matt Miner è vicepresidente esecutivo, responsabile dell'etica e della conformità presso Walmart, Inc. Si è laureato presso l'Università di Cincinnati (Ohio) e si è laureato presso la University of Michigan Law School.

Foto Peter Matt
Peter Matt

Peter R.
currently works at Commercial Metals Co., as President, Chief Executive Officer & Director from 2023 and Matt Brewing Co., Inc., as Director.
Mr. Matt also formerly worked at First Boston, Inc., as Managing Director from 2010 to 2015, Constellium SE, as Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President from 2017 to 2023, and Tumpline Capital LLC, as Managing Partner from 2015 to 2016.
Mr. Matt received his graduate degree from Amherst College.

Foto Matt Lee
Matt Lee

Matt Lee is currently working as Vice President-Information Technology at Regency Centers Corp.
He completed his undergraduate degree from Purdue University.

Foto Matt Reindel
Matt Reindel

Attualmente, Matt Reindel ricopre la posizione di direttore finanziario di Empire Co. Ltd. Nella sua carriera passata il signor Reindel ha ricoperto la posizione di Chief Financial Officer-Nutrition North America presso Nestlé SA.

Foto Matt Christensen
Matt Christensen

Matt Christensen currently works at Junior Achievement of Central Iowa, Inc., as Director and F&G Annuities & Life, Inc., as Executive Vice President-Pension Risk Transfer from 2023.

Foto Matt Burr
Matt Burr

Matt Burr is currently the Chief Operating Officer at Pure Storage, Inc. Prior to his current position, he worked as a Sales Director at Edgio, Inc. and as a Manager-Western Area Sales at Gen Digital Inc. Mr. Burr completed his undergraduate degree at Ithaca College.

Foto Raju Francis Dodti
Raju Francis Dodti

Raju Francis Dodti is currently the Managing Director at L&T Infrastructure Finance Co. Ltd., the Director at Mudit Cement Pvt Ltd., and the Chief Operating Officer at L&T Finance Ltd.
Previously, he worked as the Senior Director-Legal at IDFC Alternatives Ltd.
from 2007 to 2015.
He also served as a Director at Qubix Business Park Pvt Ltd.
Mr. Dodti completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Mumbai and his graduate degree at Government Law College.

Foto Francis Jozef Willem van Eeckhout
Francis Jozef Willem van Eeckhout

Francis Jozef Willem van Eeckhout is currently the Executive Chairman at Deceuninck NV.
He is also the Chairman at Cemminerals NV, Co-Managing Director & Director at Harpis NV, Director at Tunal, Director at Holve NV, Co-Managing Director at Inoutic, Co-Managing Director & Director at Bene Invest BV, Independent Director at Pollet Water Group NV, Managing Director at Gramo BV, and Managing Director at TrustLube BV.
Formerly, Mr. van Eeckhout served as the Director at Ege Profil Ticaret ve Sanayi AS.
He was also the Managing Director at VVM NV, Van Eeckhout NV, Diamur NV, and Nivelles Beton NV from 1994 to 2011.
Mr. van Eeckhout completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 1989 and 1990, respectively.

Foto Francis Joe Francis
Francis Joe Francis

Francis Joe Francis currently works as a Director for the Wagmatcook Band Council.

Foto Matt

Matt currently works at Naturediet Pet Foods Ltd., as Operations Manager.

Foto Francis Badasu
Francis Badasu

Mr. Francis Badasu is a Member at Ghana Bar Association.
He is on the Board of Directors at Adehyeman Savings & Loans Ltd.
Mr. Badasu was previously employed as Head-Non Bank Financial Institution by Bank of Ghana.
He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Ghana.

Foto Francis Mugane
Francis Mugane

Mr. Francis Mugane is Country Manager at Kopo Kopo, Inc.

Foto Francis Barany
Francis Barany

Francis Barany is the founder of BlinkBio, Inc., Acuamark Diagnostics, Inc. He is currently a Professor at Weill Cornell Medical College.
He received his doctorate degree from The Rockefeller University in 1981.

Foto Francis Irving
Francis Irving

Francis Irving was the Chief Executive Officer & Director of The Sensible Code Co. Ltd.
in 2012 and worked as a Developer at mySociety Ltd.
He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Oxford.

Foto Octave Joseph Francis
Octave Joseph Francis

Octave Joseph Francis is the founder of Francis Financial Group LLC, which was founded in 2001.
He held the titles of Managing Principal, CEO & COO.
Mr. Francis also held former positions as a Principal at Prudential Securities from 1996 to 2001 and as a Principal at FSC Securities Corp.
in 2006.
Mr. Francis received his undergraduate degree and MBA from Tulane University (Louisiana).

Foto Francis Chigwedere
Francis Chigwedere

Francis Chigwedere is currently working as the Technical Director at Turnall Holdings Ltd.
since 2006.
He has a Master's in Business Administration from the University of Zimbabwe and an undergraduate degree from the University of Zambia.

Foto Francis Heine
Francis Heine

Mr. Francis Heine is a Managing Director & Sales Trader at BTIG LLC.
He has been with BTIG since November 2011.
Mr. Heine was previously employed as Executive Director by Morgan Stanley.
Mr. Heine received his undergraduate degree from Monmouth University.

Foto David Francis
David Francis

Mr. David Francis is Senior Geologist at TAG Oil Ltd.
He received his graduate degree from Auckland University.

Foto Peter Francis
Peter Francis

Peter A.
is currently a Managing Director at Summit Partners LP since 2019.
He is also currently a Director at Healthline Media, Inc. and TheKey LLC.
Previously, he worked as a Director at Solutionreach, Inc., Innovacare Us LP, and HealthSun Health Plans, Inc. Prior to that, he was an Associate at Jefferies LLC from 2009 to 2011 and an Associate/Analyst at UBS Investment Bank (US) from 2005 to 2009.
Mr. Francis completed his undergraduate degree at Cornell University.

Foto Francis Canterini
Francis Canterini

Francis Canterini is currently a Director at Ellona SAS.
Prior to this, he worked as a Deputy Managing Director at Cassa di Risparmio di Parma e Piacenza SpA.

Foto Eleanor Francis
Eleanor Francis

Eleanor Francis worked as a Manager-Investor Relations at Sky Ltd.

Foto Francis Joseph Chang
Francis Joseph Chang

Mr. Francis J.
Chang is a Portfolio Manager at Investcorp Credit Management US LLC.
He joined 3i Debt Management US LLC (“3i DM US”) in September 2012, which became ICM US.
Mr. Chang joined 3i DM US following the completion of the strategic transaction with Fraser Sullivan Investment Management, which established the 3i Debt Management platform in the US.
He previously served as a Portfolio Manager of FSIM.
Prior to joining FSIM, he was a Managing Director with the Lehman Brothers Estate’s Corporate Loan Group managing the firm’s high yield portfolio (loans, mezzanine and equity).
He managed a high yield loan portfolio of approximately $2.0 billion to over 35 industrial and business services companies.
Mr. Chang joined Lehman Brothers in 1999 and in the subsequent nine years held positions in the Financial Sponsors Group, the Loan Portfolio Group and the Leveraged Finance Group.
From 1995 to 1999, he was a consumer/retail coverage banker in the Investment Banking Division of Furman Selz LLC.
Prior to 1995, he held positions with Financo, Inc. and in the Leveraged Finance Group at Bank of America.
He holds a BA degree from Colgate University.

Foto Francis Lombardi
Francis Lombardi

Mr. Francis Lombardi, II, is a Senior Associate at LVW Advisors LLC.
In this role, he works closely with the LVW team in providing investment management advisory services to new and existing LVW clients, with a particular current focus on high net worth individuals and family offices.
Prior to working with LVW Advisors, Mr. Lombardi was a successful business owner and consultant.
He was the founder of a start-up environmental products company FRALO Plastech, that, in just three years, grew into a nationally recognized, market leading brand whose products set a new standard in the building industry.
Additional experiences include corporate leadership, management, and consulting to both private and publicly traded entities.
Functional experiences include corporate finance, strategic technology acquisition/licensing, international business development, operations management, and business plan execution.
Mr. Lombardi launched his career in financial services at Prudential-Bache Securities.
Initially trained in fixed income as a liaison on the Corporate, Government, and Agency backed bond trading, he broadened his exposure in Mortgage & Asset backed securities.
He has numerous educational credits from the New York Institute of Finance and has formerly been Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Series 7 & 63 licensed.
Mr. Lombardi earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York and is a graduate of Phillips Academy Andover.

Foto Francis Charles Rayner
Francis Charles Rayner

Francis Charles Rayner has worked as a Portfolio Manager at BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd.
since 2008.

Foto Francis Verhoeye
Francis Verhoeye

Francis Verhoeye worked as a Director of Manufacturing at Celyad Oncology SA and as a Principal at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
He holds a doctorate degree from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Foto Francis McFall
Francis McFall

Francis McFall is associated with Eikenbery-Mcfall Co., Inc. as the President.

Foto Francis Landolf
Francis Landolf

Francis Landolf worked as a Principal at the United States National Security Agency and as a Senior Vice President at Indaba Global, Inc. He received undergraduate and graduate degrees from Northwestern University.

Foto Francis A. Reed
Francis A. Reed

Francis A.
is the founder of Technology Focus LLC, which was founded in 1999, where he holds the title of Senior Partner.
He also worked as a Principal at Raytheon Co. Dr. Reed's education history includes a graduate degree from the University of Southern California in 1977, a doctorate degree from the University of Southern California in 1981, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Connecticut in 1966.

Foto Francis Formosa
Francis Formosa

Francis Formosa has worked as a Manager at Odyssee SARL since 2005.

Foto Stephen C. Francis
Stephen C. Francis

Stephen C.
served as a Trustee at the Institute of International Education, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College in 1963 and his MBA from Stanford University in 1965.

Foto Francis P. Hernando
Francis P. Hernando

Francis P.
is associated with Filcredit Finance & Capital Development Corp.
as its President.

Foto Francis Catterall
Francis Catterall

Francis Catterall is currently the Chief Executive Officer-Employee Share Plans at Computershare Ltd.
Prior to this role, he served as the Executive General Manager-Corporate Strategy at Tabcorp Maxgaming Holdings Ltd.
from 2012 to 2016.

Foto Francis Vanbellen
Francis Vanbellen

Francis Vanbellen is currently the Chairman at PDI Energy Co. Ltd., South East Asia Metals Co. Ltd., PDI Tak Eco Co. Ltd., PDI Eco Co. Ltd., PDI-CRT Co. Ltd., Pdi Materials Co. Ltd., and Director at Ton Sangkasi Pte.
Ltd., Global Mining & Minerals, and The Thai Chamber of Commerce.
He previously held positions as Chairman-Supervisory Board at Gmm Quartz from 2011 to 2015, Managing Director & Director at Bound & Beyond Public Co. Ltd., Director at Puthep Co. Ltd.
from 2012 to 2015, Director at Maesod Clean Energy Co. Ltd.
from 2012 to 2016, Director at Symbior Elements Pte Ltd., Director & Managing Director at Gmm Quartz NV from 2011 to 2015, Director at OMM from 2011 to 2015, and Plant Manager at Umicore SA from 2001 to 2011.
He graduated from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and holds an MBA from Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School.

Foto Francis I. Smith
Francis I. Smith

Francis I.
worked as a Secretary at Southport Construction Corp.

Foto Francis M. Chase
Francis M. Chase

Francis M.
founded Chase Corp.
in 1946.

Foto Francis V. Crawford
Francis V. Crawford

Francis V.
is currently the President & Chief Executive Officer of Crawford Technical Services, Inc.

Foto Francis Wee
Francis Wee

Francis Wee currently works as a Creative Director at Ogilvy & Mather China.

Foto Francis N. Spears
Francis N. Spears

Francis N.
has worked as a Director for Buckhead Coalition, Inc. since 2012.

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