Kellie Lindsay

Kellie Lindsay

Direttore/Membro del Consiglio presso AutoTech Management LLC

Consumer Services
Commercial Services


Kellie brings to Autotech expertise leading and facilitating technical professionals and executives to create and execute product, service and business strategies.
With experience across manufacturing, chemical, mechanical, electrical and software engineering, she collaborates with all facets of business teams to work on “what’s next” and get results.
Kellie was previously Director of Sales and Business Development for Thirdware Labs (20% owned by Ford), working with start-ups, tier suppliers and OEMs to advance the implementation of emerging technologies including: AI/ML, blockchain and distributed ledgers, connectivity, and digital transformation - for automotive, industry X.0, smart city and mobility applications.
Prior to joining Thirdware, Kellie managed global tier supply accounts for ON Semiconductor focused on autonomous, ADAS and electric vehicle applications.
She was also director of marketing and strategy for Ricardo – a global engineering, strategic and environmental consultancy focused on advanced on- and off-highway vehicle systems, sustainability, mobility and cybersecurity for automotive, marine, rail and defense.
Kellie is the current President of Automotive Women's Alliance Foundation (, leading their vision to advance and empower women in automotive, transportation and mobility.
The focus of her term is to accelerate diversity, equity and inclusion for women and companies through STEM awareness for girls, and offering scholarships, mentoring, coaching and professional development to strengthen the female talent pipeline from early education through to the board room.

Posizioni attive di Kellie Lindsay

Direttore/Membro del Consiglio 01/05/2021
Tutte le posizioni attive di Kellie Lindsay

Precedenti posizioni note di Kellie Lindsay

RICARDO PLC Vendite & Marketing 01/02/2017
Vendite & Marketing 01/07/2014
Vedi nel dettaglio l'esperienza di Kellie Lindsay

Formazione di Kellie Lindsay

University of Wisconsin Undergraduate Degree
University of Detroit Mercy Masters Business Admin

Posizioni ricoperte



Società quotate in Borsa

Aziende private

Vedi nel dettaglio l'esperienza di Kellie Lindsay


100 +

Relazioni di 1° grado


Aziende connesse in 1º grado





Vedi i contatti personali

Società collegate

Società quotate in Borsa1

Commercial Services

Aziende private2


Producer Manufacturing

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  3. Kellie Lindsay