Salvatore Rossi
Amministratore Delegato presso Banca d'Italia (Research Firm)
Salvatore Rossi è un imprenditore che è stato alla guida di 5 diverse aziende. Attualmente ricopre la carica di Presidente di Telecom Italia SpA, Presidente di Fondazione Tim e Senior Deputy Governor di Banca d'Italia (società di ricerca). E' anche Presidente della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Professore alla LUISS di Roma e Membro dell'Istituto Affari Internazionali e nel consiglio di amministrazione di altre 6 società. In passato Salvatore Rossi ha ricoperto la carica di Membro del Consiglio di Fondazione dell'International Center for Monetary & Banking Studies, Membro del Consiglio Direttivo dell'Einaudi Institute For Economics & Finance, Presidente dell'Autorità di Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni e Membro del Consiglio di Presidenza della Società Italiana degli Economisti. Si è laureato presso l'Università di Bari.
Ultime notizie su Salvatore Rossi
Posizioni attive di Salvatore Rossi
Società | Posizione | Inizio |
Banca d'Italia (Research Firm)
Banca d'Italia (Research Firm) Investment ManagersFinance Banca d'Italia (Research Firm) (Banca d'Italia-Research) is the investment research division of Banca d'Italia, the central bank of Italy which is headquartered in Rome. Banca d'Italia-Research conducts economic and statistical research and analysis to provide fundamental support for the decisions that the Bank of Italy takes in relation to its institutional activity. | Amministratore Delegato | 01/01/1976 |
Associazione Nazionale per lo Studio dei Problemi del Credito
Associazione Nazionale per lo Studio dei Problemi del Credito Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Associazione Nazionale per lo Studio dei Problemi del Credito engages in the promotion of a balanced development of the Italian credit system. Its activities include research and studies, conferences, and publication of materials that reflect its objectives which include education on savings, credit, and corporate financing. The company was founded in 1964 and is headquartered in Rome, Italy. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata Giovanni Treccani
Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata Giovanni Treccani Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Istituto Della Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata Giovanni Treccani engages in the compilation, publication, and dissemination of Italian encyclopedia. The firm operates Istituto Giovanni Treccani which offers Italian encyclopedia of sciences, letters, and arts. It also provides magazines and catalogs about the Italian language and culture, law and commerce and manages web television and online school. The company was founded by Giovanni Treccani degli Alfieri and Giovanni Gentile on February 18, 1925 and is headquartered in Rome, Italy. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia SRL
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia SRL Hospital/Nursing ManagementHealth Services Istituto Europeo di Oncologia SRL is a holding company, which operates oncology hospitals. It offers healthcare services, basic and translational cancer research, and PhD and post doctoral programs in molecular medicine. The company was founded by Umberto Veronesi on May 30, 1994 and is headquartered in Milan, Italy. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
Istituto Affari Internazionali | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa | Presidente | 01/05/2022 |
The LUISS University of Rome | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
Associazione fra le società italiane per azioni
Associazione fra le società italiane per azioni Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Associazione fra le società italiane per azioni operates as an organization which deals with issues concerning the interests and the development of the Italian economy. Its activities deals with the improvement and promotion of problems and solutions in tax and legislation, corporate laws, business operations and competition, capital and listed company markets, economic analysis, and institutional reports. The company was founded on November 22, 1910 and is headquartered in Rome, Italy. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
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Precedenti posizioni note di Salvatore Rossi
Società | Posizione | Fine |
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Formazione di Salvatore Rossi
University of Bari | Undergraduate Degree |
Posizioni ricoperte
Società quotate in Borsa
Aziende private
Relazioni di 1° grado
Aziende connesse in 1º grado
Società collegate
Società quotate in Borsa | 1 |
TELECOM ITALIA S.P.A. | Communications |
Aziende private | 14 |
Banca d'Italia (Research Firm)
Banca d'Italia (Research Firm) Investment ManagersFinance Banca d'Italia (Research Firm) (Banca d'Italia-Research) is the investment research division of Banca d'Italia, the central bank of Italy which is headquartered in Rome. Banca d'Italia-Research conducts economic and statistical research and analysis to provide fundamental support for the decisions that the Bank of Italy takes in relation to its institutional activity. | Finance |
Associazione Nazionale per lo Studio dei Problemi del Credito
Associazione Nazionale per lo Studio dei Problemi del Credito Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Associazione Nazionale per lo Studio dei Problemi del Credito engages in the promotion of a balanced development of the Italian credit system. Its activities include research and studies, conferences, and publication of materials that reflect its objectives which include education on savings, credit, and corporate financing. The company was founded in 1964 and is headquartered in Rome, Italy. | Commercial Services |
Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata Giovanni Treccani
Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata Giovanni Treccani Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Istituto Della Enciclopedia Italiana Fondata Giovanni Treccani engages in the compilation, publication, and dissemination of Italian encyclopedia. The firm operates Istituto Giovanni Treccani which offers Italian encyclopedia of sciences, letters, and arts. It also provides magazines and catalogs about the Italian language and culture, law and commerce and manages web television and online school. The company was founded by Giovanni Treccani degli Alfieri and Giovanni Gentile on February 18, 1925 and is headquartered in Rome, Italy. | Commercial Services |
International Center for Monetary & Banking Studies | |
Insurance Supervisory Authority | Government |
Società Italiana degli Economisti | |
Einaudi Institute For Economics & Finance
Einaudi Institute For Economics & Finance Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Einaudi Institute For Economics & Finance provides research services. The private company is based in Rome, Italy. | Commercial Services |
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia SRL
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia SRL Hospital/Nursing ManagementHealth Services Istituto Europeo di Oncologia SRL is a holding company, which operates oncology hospitals. It offers healthcare services, basic and translational cancer research, and PhD and post doctoral programs in molecular medicine. The company was founded by Umberto Veronesi on May 30, 1994 and is headquartered in Milan, Italy. | Health Services |
Istituto Affari Internazionali | |
Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli | Miscellaneous |
Associazione fra le società italiane per azioni
Associazione fra le società italiane per azioni Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Associazione fra le società italiane per azioni operates as an organization which deals with issues concerning the interests and the development of the Italian economy. Its activities deals with the improvement and promotion of problems and solutions in tax and legislation, corporate laws, business operations and competition, capital and listed company markets, economic analysis, and institutional reports. The company was founded on November 22, 1910 and is headquartered in Rome, Italy. | Commercial Services |
Fondazione Censis | Miscellaneous |
Fondazione Tim | |
Banca d'Italia | Government |
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- Salvatore Rossi