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Prezzo di chiusura Chicago Board Of Trade 20:19:56 25/06/2024 Variaz. 5gg Var. 1 gen.
423,8 USc -2,25% Grafico intraday di Corn Future (ZC) - CBE/C1 -5,83% -10,08%
Wheat sets 10-month high on deteriorating Russian harvest prospects
Segunda cosecha de maíz de Brasil alcanzará los 96,7 millones de toneladas: Agroconsult
Les cours du blé attisés par les prévisions météo, plutôt défavorables
Visión general de las materias primas: Los metales son muy populares
Wheat hits 10-month high on expectations of lower Russian supply
Russian wheat shortfall a boon to US exporters of ... corn? -Braun
LIVESTOCK-CME hogs slide to February low under US production pressure
Wheat Futures Rise on Black Sea Weather Impact -- Daily Grain Highlights
El trigo en Chicago alcanza mayor valor desde julio por baja de previsiones para cosecha rusa
CBOT wheat hits July high on declining Russian crop estimates
China boosts farmer protection with nationwide insurance for major grains
Commodities Overview: Metals are the hot commodity
Wheat Futures Surge on Russian Crop Worries -- Daily Grain Highlights
Crop Watch: Soybeans sown in the west despite moderate planting pace -Braun
Trigo anota la mayor alza desde julio por heladas que afectan la cosecha rusa
Indonesia's coffee production to rebound in 2024/25, USDA says
AGS Week Ahead : Bullish Mood as Dollar Falls on Positive Inflation Progress
Soybean Export Inspections Post Decline
Ucrania exporta 44,4 millones de toneladas de cereales en 2023/24
Las recientes heladas en Ucrania podrían reducir cosechas de cereales y oleaginosas, según analistas
Ukraine grain exports at 44.4 mln T so far in 2023/24
Wheat rises 1%, Brazilian floods limit decline in soybean prices
Funds cut bearish CBOT corn and wheat bets further but pause on beans -Braun
LIVESTOCK-CME live cattle hit March high as US beef prices increase
CBOT wheat drops as Kansas tour projects above-average crop
Wheat Futures Drop as Kansas Outlook Improves -- Daily Grain Highlights
Siembra de cereales de primavera 2024 de Ucrania alcanza los 5,1 millones de hectáreas
Properly cooked hamburgers pose no bird flu risk, US study finds
Wheat up on Russian crop woes, US production outlook curbs gains
Brazil grain harvest drags in flood-hit state, food silos compromised, Emater says
Corn Futures Fall as Farmers Scramble to Plant -- Daily Grain Highlights
Soja sube en Chicago ante renovados temores sobre la cosecha brasileña
CBOT soybeans up on renewed fears for Brazilian crop
Hamburguesas bien cocinadas no plantean riesgo de gripe aviar, según un estudio estadounidense
Ag inputs sales seen at good level in the US, not as good in South America
Bristol Myers Gets FDA OK of Breyanzi in Follicular Lymphoma
Wheat steadies as strong US yield outlook offsets Russian losses
Rising US soybean crush set to face off with Argentine supplies into 2025 -Braun
LIVESTOCK-CME cattle futures firm on strong demand, rising beef prices
Corn Futures Slide as Extended Short Covering Loses Steam -- Daily Grain Highlights
Commodities Overview: Oil slips, copper rises and wheat soars
Visión general de las materias primas: El petróleo baja, el cobre sube y el trigo se dispara
El mercado de reportes meteorológicos recupera su rol como principal impulsor del precio de granos
Wheat Futures Fall as Traders Sell on Frost in Russia -- Daily Grain Highlights
La soja cae al quedar excluidas de los aranceles chinos las importaciones de aceite de cocina