Società (3)

Logo Isramco Negev 2 Limited Partnership

Isramco Negev 2 LP è impegnata nell'esplorazione e nell'estrazione di petrolio e gas naturale in Israele. La Società lavora in collaborazione con Isramco Oil and Gas Ltd. e con Isramco Management (1988) Ltd. Le partecipazioni della Società comprendono Med ...

Logo Shangri-La Hotels (Malaysia)

Shangri-La Hotels (Malaysia) Berhad è una holding di investimento con sede in Malesia, impegnata nella gestione di un resort sulla spiaggia, ovvero Rasa Sayang Resort. La Società opera attraverso tre segmenti: Hotel e Resort, Investimenti immobiliari e Al ...

Logo Tamar Petroleum Ltd

Tamar Petroleum Ltd è una società con sede in Israele, impegnata nell'esplorazione e nella produzione di gas naturale offshore. Detiene partecipazioni nei giacimenti di gas Tamar e Dalit. Il giacimento Tamar fornisce oltre 30 milioni di metri cubi di gas ...


Foto Dalit Dahan
Dalit Dahan

Dalit Dahan is currently employed as the SVP-Information Technology & Human Resources at Tower Semiconductor Ltd.
She previously worked as the Manager-North Branch at ORS Ltd.
Dahan holds an MBA from the University of Derby and an undergraduate degree from the University of Haifa, which she received in 1991.

Foto Dalit Shifron
Dalit Shifron

Dalit has vast executive experience leading public and private companies.
Dalit contributes using a wide array of skills developed through her experience with early-stage companies, Venture Capital entities, Capital markets and financial organizations.
Prior to joining Axon, Dalit was the Deputy CEO of Ratio Oil Exploration (1992) Limited Partnership, a leading Oil & Gas corporation.
During her tenure she played a key role in the development of the Leviathan Gas field.
Dalit also held ProSeed Venture Capital Fund Ltd (TLV:PRSD) CFO position managing all financial aspects of fund’s investments as well as serving as the CFO of Shamir Optical Industry Ltd Israeli subsidiaries.
Dalit holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance from Ruppin Academic Center and a M.A in law (L.L.M) for accountants from Bar-Ilan University and she is an Israeli Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

Foto Dalit Damri
Dalit Damri

Dalit Damri is currently working as an Accountant at Raval ICS Ltd.
since 2007.
She completed her undergraduate degree from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Foto Dalit Barak
Dalit Barak

Dalit Barak worked as a Sales Director at I.M.S.
Investment Management Services Ltd.

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