Bjorn Book-Larsson

Bjorn Book-Larsson

Nessuna posizione attualmente

Technology Services
Consumer Services


Bjorn Book-Larsson is the founder of SkillJam Technologies Corp.
founded in 2000.
He was the Chief Executive Officer of K2 Network, Inc. in 2012.
He was also the Chief Executive Officer of Reloaded Games, Inc. and the Chief Technology Officer & VP-Game Development of GameShastra.
In addition, he was the Chief Technology Officer of Fun Technologies, Inc. Mr. Book-Larsson obtained an undergraduate degree from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Precedenti posizioni note di Bjorn Book-Larsson

Presidente 20/07/2012
Amministratore Delegato -
Fondatore -
Direttore Tecnico/Scientifico/R&S -
GameShastra Direttore Tecnico/Scientifico/R&S -
Vedi nel dettaglio l'esperienza di Bjorn Book-Larsson

Formazione di Bjorn Book-Larsson

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Undergraduate Degree

Posizioni ricoperte



Società quotate in Borsa

Aziende private

Vedi nel dettaglio l'esperienza di Bjorn Book-Larsson

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Aziende private5

Technology Services

Technology Services

Consumer Services

Technology Services

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  3. Bjorn Book-Larsson