Ioannis Panagiotis Votsaridis

Ioannis Panagiotis Votsaridis


Patrimonio netto: 5 M $ in data 31/03/2024

73 anni
Consumer Services

Grafico relazionale

Relazione in diverse aziende

Relazioni precedenti

NomeSessoEtàSocietà collegateCollaborazione
Ernst A. Häberli M 75
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Karl W. Gschwend M 71
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Alexander Jakob Boris Zehnder M -
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
5 anni
Michel Liès M 70
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Felix Bärlocher M 76
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Hans-Rudolf Spiess M 75
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
3 anni
Periclès–Paul P. Petalas M 81
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
3 anni
Peter Krebser M 72
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
9 anni
Jost Krüttli M 73
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
François Meyer M 76
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Peter Gnägi M 70
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Michel Perraudin M 78
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Juerg Winter M -
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
3 anni
Alfons Traxler M -
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Jacques de Saussure M -
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Caroline Geuissaz F -
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Peter H. Müller M 74
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
1 anni
Carl Erik Steen M 74
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
1 anni
Andrea Thaddaus Vasella M 81
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
3 anni
Walter Blättler M 75
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
1 anni
Romain Becker M 70
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Antonio Matteo Taormina M 76
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Niklaus Peter Nüesch M 70
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
7 anni
Heinrich Andreas Baumann M 72
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Jürg Spillmann M -
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Peter Leupp M 72
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Bernhard Jucker M 69
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Felix Rudolf M 74
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Bruno E. Raschle M -
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Hiroshi Tomono M 78
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
3 anni
Armin Meyer M 75
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
3 anni
Pierre J. P. de Weck M 73
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
1 anni
Sergio Magistri M -
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
4 anni
Duccio Alberti M 72
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
3 anni


PaeseRelazioni% del totale
Germania 34 77.27%
Grecia 10 22.73%

Età delle relazioni







Provenienza delle relazioni