William Meek
Direttore Finanziario/CFO presso MERCURY NZ LIMITED
Attualmente, William Thomas Meek occupa la posizione di direttore finanziario di Mercury NZ Ltd. Fa anche parte del consiglio di amministrazione di altre 22 società.
Ultime notizie su William Meek
Posizioni attive di William Meek
Società | Posizione | Inizio |
MERCURY NZ LIMITED | Direttore Finanziario/CFO | 01/01/1999 |
Mercury Energy Ltd.
Mercury Energy Ltd. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Mercury Energy Ltd. provides power and gas distribution services. It offers its services to residences and businesses. The company was founded on December 17, 1999 and is headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | 08/09/2011 |
Rotokawa Mrp Ltd. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
Waverley Wind Farm (NZ) Holding Ltd.
Waverley Wind Farm (NZ) Holding Ltd. Alternative Power GenerationUtilities Waverley Wind Farm (NZ) Holding Ltd. provides electricity services. The company is based in Auckland, New Zealand and ultimately controlled by the Government of New Zealand. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
Tararua Wind Power Ltd.
Tararua Wind Power Ltd. Alternative Power GenerationUtilities Tararua Wind Power Ltd. generates energy and is ultimately controlled by the Government of New Zealand. The company is based in Tauranga, New Zealand. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
Mercury Insurance Captive Ltd.
Mercury Insurance Captive Ltd. Financial ConglomeratesFinance Mercury Insurance Captive Ltd. provides investment services and is ultimately controlled by the Government of New Zealand. The company is based in Auckland, New Zealand. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
Mercury Wind Ltd. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
Mercury Drive Ltd. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | 01/01/2023 |
Mercury SPV Ltd. | Direttore/Membro del Consiglio | - |
░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░░░ | ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░ ░░░░░░░░░ | - |
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Precedenti posizioni note di William Meek
Società | Posizione | Fine |
░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░░░ ░░░░ | ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░ ░░░░░░░░░ | - |
Posizioni ricoperte
Società quotate in Borsa
Aziende private
Relazioni di 1° grado
Aziende connesse in 1º grado
Società collegate
Società quotate in Borsa | 1 |
Aziende private | 28 |
Mercury Energy Ltd.
Mercury Energy Ltd. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Mercury Energy Ltd. provides power and gas distribution services. It offers its services to residences and businesses. The company was founded on December 17, 1999 and is headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand. | Utilities |
Rotokawa Generation Ltd.
Rotokawa Generation Ltd. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Rotokawa Generation Ltd. owns a generation plant and is ultimately controlled by the Government of New Zealand. The company is based in Auckland, New Zealand. | Utilities |
Rotokawa Joint Venture Ltd. | |
Intellihub Ltd.
Intellihub Ltd. Wholesale DistributorsDistribution Services Intellihub Ltd. sells generators and other industrial equipment. The company is based in Auckland, New Zealand and ultimately controlled by the Government of New Zealand. Matthew Olde has been the CEO of the New Zealander company since 2014. | Distribution Services |
Bosco Connect Ltd. | |
ECNZ International Ltd. | |
Mighty Geothermal Power International Ltd. | |
Mighty River Power Espp Ltd. | |
Kawerau Geothermal Ltd. | |
Mighty Geothermal Power Ltd. | |
Mighty River Power Geothermal Ltd. | |
Ngatamariki Geothermal Ltd. | |
Rotokawa Geothermal Ltd. | |
Special General Partner Ltd. | |
Rotokawa Mrp Ltd. | |
Glo-Bug Ltd. | |
Mercury Geotherm Ltd. | |
Mercury ESPP Ltd. | |
Blockchain Energy Ltd. | |
Mercury Solar Ltd. | |
What Power Crisis (2016) Ltd. | |
Mercury SPV Ltd. | |
Mercury Drive Ltd. | |
Mercury Wind Ltd. | |
Mercury Insurance Captive Ltd.
Mercury Insurance Captive Ltd. Financial ConglomeratesFinance Mercury Insurance Captive Ltd. provides investment services and is ultimately controlled by the Government of New Zealand. The company is based in Auckland, New Zealand. | Finance |
Tararua Wind Power Ltd.
Tararua Wind Power Ltd. Alternative Power GenerationUtilities Tararua Wind Power Ltd. generates energy and is ultimately controlled by the Government of New Zealand. The company is based in Tauranga, New Zealand. | Utilities |
Waverley Wind Farm (NZ) Holding Ltd.
Waverley Wind Farm (NZ) Holding Ltd. Alternative Power GenerationUtilities Waverley Wind Farm (NZ) Holding Ltd. provides electricity services. The company is based in Auckland, New Zealand and ultimately controlled by the Government of New Zealand. | Utilities |
Waverley Wind Farm Ltd.
Waverley Wind Farm Ltd. Alternative Power GenerationUtilities Waverley Wind Farm Ltd. is a New Zealander company that operates as a wind farm. The company is based in Auckland, New Zealand and ultimately controlled by the Government of New Zealand. The company was founded in 2018. | Utilities |
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- William Meek