
Foto Dirk Marzluf
Dirk Marzluf

Attualmente, Dirk Kudwig Marzluf occupa la posizione di Group Head-Technology & Operations al Banco Santander SA. È anche nel consiglio di amministrazione di Santander UK Plc e Santander Global Operations SA. Nella sua carriera passata è stato Group Chief Information Officer presso AXA Group Solutions Spain SL. Marzluf si è laureato presso l'Università di Karlsruhe.

Foto Dirk Lessing
Dirk Lessing

Dirk Lessing served as the Deputy Chairman-Management Board at Kaiser+Kraft Europa GmbH from 2012 to 2013.
He also worked as a Director at Charles Vögele Holding AG, Managing Director at SSI Schäfer-Shop GmbH, Managing Director at Kaiser+Kraft Europa GmbH, and Co-Managing Director at Kaiser + Kraft GmbH.
Additionally, he was a Member-Management Board at TAKKT AG.
Mr. Lessing completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Münster.

Foto Dirk Hoheisel
Dirk Hoheisel

Dr. Dirk Hoheisel is an Independent Member-Supervisory Board at Elmos Semiconductor SE.
He is on the Board of Directors at Elmos Semiconductor SE and Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH.
Dr. Hoheisel was previously employed as a Member-Management Board by Robert Bosch GmbH.

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