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Tempo reale stimato TTMZero 16:22:54 20/06/2024 Variaz. 5gg Var. 1 gen.
0,6673 USD -0,01% Grafico intraday di Australian Dollar / US Dollar (AUD/USD) +0,15% -2,03%
Dollar finds footing as Bank of Canada weighs rate cut
Australian, NZ dollars find support, carry trades turn turbulent
MORNING BID ASIA-Political, market volatility spice markets up
Point marchés-Wall Street en légère hausse sur fond d'optimisme sur les taux
Aktien Schweiz Schluss: Ohne klare Richtung - Defensive Werte stützen SMI
Economics Watch: CIBC On US JOLTS Data For April
"Les marchés actions ont repris leur marche en avant en mai" (Axa IM)
US-Anleihen legen weiter zu
Wall Street : biais négatif avant la cloche
"La BCE devrait procéder à sa première baisse de taux" (Generali AM)
Stocks, commodities sucked into 'risk-off' vortex on US economy jitters
Commerzbank on Overnight News
Wall Street futures slip on sluggish growth fears
MORNING BID AMERICAS-Wall Street's growth gasp as rates, dollar, oil skid
Australian Dollar Struggles After GDP Partials Point to Weak Q1 GDP
Rentevoeten: welke renteverlaging?
Rates: Which rate cut?
Tipos: ¿Qué bajada de tipos?
Zinssätze: Welche Zinssenkung?
European Midday Briefing : Mood Improves on Fed -2-
Copper climbs on Chinese data and hopes of Fed rate cuts
European shares rally, eyeing ECB rates move
Taux : Quelle baisse de taux ?
Japanische Börse startet mit Rückenwind in die neue Woche
ÜBERBLICK am Morgen/Konjunktur, Zentralbanken, Politik
Deutsche Anleihen: Wenig Bewegung zum Wochenstart
Devisen: Euro notiert stabil bei 1,0850 US-Dollar
Gold little changed as traders seek more data for Fed rate cues
Australia, NZ dollars underpinned by Asia growth, rate risks
Currencies tread cautiously after US inflation report, focus on ECB
Wall Street rassurée par l'inflation
Point marchés-Wall Street rassurée par l'inflation
'Is the Fed even driving the bus?'
Equities Mostly Rise as Fed's Preferred Inflation Measure Meets Street Views
Retorno bonos EEUU cae, datos inflación mantienen intactas expectativas recorte tasas Fed este año
US Equities Markets Close Mixed Friday as Fed's Preferred Inflation Measure Meets Expectations
US Equity Indexes Mixed After Fed's Preferred Inflation Data Meets Market Expectations
US Equity Indexes Mixed After Fed's Preferred Inflation Data Meeting Market Expectations
Daily Roundup of Key US Economic Data for May 31
St. Louis Fed US Q2 GDP Nowcast Growth Estimate 1.18% vs Previous 1.42% Gain
Atlanta Fed US Q2 GDP Nowcast Growth Estimate 2.7% Vs Previous 3.5% Gain
Oro sella cuarta subida mensual por esperanzas de recorte de tasas de la Fed
Swiss Market Index in the Green Amid US Rate Cut Optimism
The Week in Oil : Crude Under Pressure Ahead of Long-Awaited OPEC+ Meeting
Inflation rises moderately in April, spending slows

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