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Notizie (45)

L'azienda di scommesse online Flutter sceglie una veterana della Disney come membro del consiglio di amministrazione RE
Flutter Entertainment plc annuncia la nomina di Amministratori non esecutivi, con effetto dal 30 luglio 2024 CI
Ultimate Products plc annuncia un cambio di direzione, il 31 luglio 2024 CI
Dryden Gold Corp. (TSXV:DRY) ha completato l'acquisizione di 1317223 B.C. Ltd. in una transazione di fusione inversa. CI
Disney nomina il veterano di PepsiCo Hugh Johnston come CFO RE
Borsa : Europa in calo tra tensione bond e caos Congresso Usa, Milano cede 0,8% DJ
OFFERTA MATTUTINA AMERICAS-Scadenza, petrolio, aste e Cina fanno paura RE
Kirkland Lake Discoveries Corp. annuncia le nomine del Consiglio di Amministrazione CI
Il responsabile finanziario della Disney Christine McCarthy si dimette RE
The Walt Disney Company annuncia che Christine M. McCarthy lascerà il ruolo di Vice Presidente Esecutivo Senior, a partire dal 1° luglio 2023 CI
Debito Usa scuote le borse, Europa brucia 227 miliardi AW
Dollaro stabile alla ripresa dei negoziati sul tetto del debito RE
Dollaro calmo alla ripresa dei negoziati sul tetto del debito RE
OFFERTA MATTINA EUROPA - Non così in fretta, tori del tetto del debito! RE
Dollaro sulla difensiva dopo l'atteggiamento dovish di Powell e la battuta d'arresto sul tetto del debito RE
Piazze in verde; Italia Independent ancora bullish AN
L'Ibex-35 apre in rialzo in attesa della crisi del tetto del debito statunitense RE
Future al rialzo; ottimismo su tetto debito USA AN
Europee chiudono su; Saipem in vetta sul Mib AN
Mib sui massimi di due settimane AN
Mib sui massimi di due settimane; bene i bancari AN
Le azioni Disney calano per le perdite di abbonati allo streaming RE
Disney riduce le perdite dello streaming, i parchi risorgenti aumentano i risultati RE
Disney riduce le perdite dello streaming, i parchi risorgenti aumentano i risultati RE
La mente del mercato: Ricaduta del prezzo del petrolio RE
Gli investitori di Disney attendono il piano di rilancio del CEO Iger con i risultati alla mano RE
Getaround, Inc. ha completato l'acquisizione di InterPrivate II Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:IPVA) da InterPrivate LLC, InterPrivate Acquisition Management II, LLC, Magnetar Financial LLC e altri in una transazione di fusione inversa. CI
Le azioni Disney scendono a causa dell'aumento dei costi dello streaming che spaventa gli investitori RE
The Procter & Gamble Company elegge Rajesh Subramaniam nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione CI
La Walt Disney risponde all'appello di Third Point per lo spinoff di ESPN CI
Usa : perquisizione Fbi a casa di Trump complica elezioni metà mandato per Dem DJ
Usa : Fbi perquisisce tenuta Trump in Florida a caccia di documenti classificati DJ
Paycore Minerals Inc. annuncia i risultati delle trivellazioni di esplorazione della proprietà Fad, posseduta al 100 percento dall'azienda e situata nella cintura aurifera di Battle Mountain-Eureka, in Nevada, Stati Uniti. CI
2766604 Ontario Ltd. ha completato l'acquisizione di Aardvark Capital Corp. (TSXV:ACCA.P) in una transazione di fusione inversa. CI
Un consorzio guidato da Canderel Management Inc., FrontFour Capital Group LLC, Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (TSX:AX.UN) Koch Real Estate Investments e partnership gestite da Sandpiper Group Holdings Inc. ha completato l'acquisizione della quota rimanente di Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust (TSX:CUF.UN) da Groupe Mach Inc. e altri. CI
Disney chiude il divario con Netflix, il futuro dell'industria dello streaming è ancora in dubbio RE
Disney nomina Alexia Quadrani alla guida delle relazioni con gli investitori RE
The Walt Disney Company nomina Alexia Quadrani vicepresidente senior per le relazioni con gli investitori CI
Disney+ vede la più piccola crescita di abbonati dal lancio nella battaglia con Netflix RE
La corsa di recupero di Disney è imperniata su Delta mentre i parchi a tema oscillano verso il profitto RE
Disney è rialzista sui parchi nonostante il Delta; gli investitori applaudono la crescita dello streaming RE
Disney è rialzista sui parchi nonostante il Delta; gli investitori applaudono la crescita dello streaming RE
Disney torna al profitto come il successo dello streaming compensa i parchi colpiti dalla pandemia RE
Disney subisce un colpo da 5 miliardi di dollari ma l'impatto della pandemia non è così grave come si temeva RE
Disney subisce un colpo da 5 miliardi di dollari ma l'impatto della pandemia non è così grave come si temeva RE
12SuccessivoMostra tutto

Società (10)

Logo MEG Energy Corp.

MEG Energy Corp. è una società energetica con sede in Canada, focalizzata sulla produzione sostenibile di petrolio termico in situ nella regione meridionale dell'Athabasca di Alberta, Canada. L'azienda è impegnata nello sviluppo di progetti di recupero pe ...

Logo Christine International Holdings Limited

Christine International Holdings Limited è una holding di investimento con sede in Cina, impegnata principalmente nella produzione e nella vendita di prodotti da forno. I suoi prodotti includono principalmente pane e dolci, moon cake e pasticcini. L'Azien ...

Logo Lanakam S.A.

Lanakam SA è un'azienda greca che si occupa della distribuzione di abbigliamento e accessori, nonché della distribuzione di prodotti per il riscaldamento e il raffreddamento esterno. L'azienda ha contratti con diverse etichette di abbigliamento e accessor ...

Logo Amotiv Limited

Amotiv Limited, ex G.U.D. Holdings Limited, possiede un portafoglio di aziende specializzate nella fornitura di prodotti e soluzioni automobilistiche che soddisfano le esigenze in evoluzione dei suoi clienti in tutto il mondo. Le sue divisioni comprendono ...

Logo Strake Inc.

Strake Inc. è impegnata nella gestione di un mercato online, River-24 è un mercato online di yacht e barche private e commerciali, con un'offerta standardizzata per soddisfare la domanda sia dei proprietari che dei locatari. La Società forni ...

Logo DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc.

DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc. è una società di blockchain e criptovalute integrata verticalmente con sede in Canada, che gestisce, opera e sviluppa soluzioni digitali end-to-end per monetizzare l'ecosistema blockchain. Le sue linee di business sono costit ...

Logo Christina Lake Cannabis Corp.

Christina Lake Cannabis Corp. è un produttore autorizzato di cannabis con sede in Canada. L'Azienda è un produttore autorizzato di cannabis con una licenza di coltivazione, lavorazione, ricerca e sviluppo e vendita rilasciata da Health Canada. L'Azienda è ...

Logo American Picture House Corporation

American Picture House Corporation è un'azienda di intrattenimento di primo piano con un'attenzione particolare ai lungometraggi, alle serie limitate e alle tecnologie di potenziamento dei contenuti. L'azienda collabora con registi, showrunner e fornitori ...

Logo Lien Hoe Corporation

Lien Hoe Corporation Berhad è una holding di investimento con sede in Malesia. La Società opera attraverso tre segmenti: servizi alberghieri, investimenti immobiliari e sviluppo immobiliare. Il segmento alberghiero possiede e gestisce l'Hotel Armada a 4 s ...


McCarthy & Stone PLC è uno sviluppatore e manager di comunità di pensionati con sede nel Regno Unito. La Società acquista terreni e poi costruisce, vende e gestisce gli sviluppi della pensione. Le sue gamme di prodotti includono Retirement Living e Retire ...


Foto Christine McCarthy
Christine McCarthy

Christine M. McCarthy è un uomo d'affari americano che è stato a capo di 10 diverse aziende ed è presidente di Enterprise Hold Co., Inc., presidente di Golden Oak Ranch Properties, presidente di Walt Disney International Financing LLC e Chief Financial Officer & Senior Executive VP di The Walt Disney Co, Presidente del Consiglio di Sorveglianza di Euro Disney SCA, Amministratore Delegato di Disney Enterprises, Inc., Presidente & Amministratore Delegato di TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp., Presidente di TFCF Corp., Presidente & Direttore di Times Square Studios Ltd., Vice Presidente Esecutivo di EDL Holding Co. LLC, vicepresidente per Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. e vicepresidente senior per WD Holdings (Shanghai) LLC (che sono tutte filiali di The Walt Disney Co.). È anche amministratore delegato di Disney Enterprises, Inc., vicepresidente esecutivo di EDL Holding Co. LLC, vicepresidente presso Disney Worldwide Services, Inc., vicepresidente senior di WD Holdings (Shanghai) LLC, vicepresidente senior di 3217932 Nova Scotia Co. e Trustee & Treasurer presso The Walt Disney Co. Foundation e nel consiglio di amministrazione di altre 12 società. In passato ha occupato la posizione di vicepresidente esecutivo di 36, vicepresidente esecutivo di Magic Films Holdings LLC, vicepresidente esecutivo di Magic Films Distribution LLC, vicepresidente esecutivo di Magic Films Productions LLC, direttore finanziario e vicepresidente esecutivo di Imperial Bancorp (Inglewood, California), vicepresidente esecutivo-Finance di First Interstate Bancorp (California), vicepresidente di ABC Family Worldwide, Inc, vicepresidente esecutivo di ABC, Inc. e governatore di The UCLA Foundation. La signora McCarthy si è laureata allo Smith College e ha conseguito un MBA alla UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Foto James McCarthy
James McCarthy

James John McCarthy è un uomo d'affari britannico che è stato a capo di 7 diverse aziende. Attualmente, occupa la posizione di presidente non esecutivo di Crawshaw Group Plc e di presidente non esecutivo indipendente di UP Global Sourcing Holdings Plc. È anche nel consiglio di amministrazione di Wynnstay Group Plc (ex presidente non esecutivo). In passato è stato amministratore delegato di Tesco Plc e amministratore delegato di T & S Stores Ltd. (una consociata di Tesco Plc), Amministratore Delegato-Convenience di J Sainsbury Plc, Amministratore Delegato-Neighborhood Retailing Division di Next Plc, Amministratore Delegato e Direttore Esecutivo di Poundland Group Ltd., Direttore di Poundland Ltd. e Amministratore Delegato-Retail Estate di The Birmingham Post & Mail Ltd.

Foto Roger McCarthy
Roger McCarthy

Dr. Roger L.
is a Member-US National Academies Panel at Army Research Laboratory, a Member at National Academy of Engineering and a Principal at Mccarthy Engineering.
He is on the Board of Directors at National Academies Corporation.
Dr. McCarthy was previously employed as an Independent Non-Executive Director by Shui On Land Ltd., a Chairman by Exponent Science & Technology Consulting (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd., and a Chairman-Emeritus by Exponent, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, a graduate degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a graduate degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a doctorate degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Foto Gloria McCarthy
Gloria McCarthy

Gloria M. McCarthy è direttore amministrativo e vicepresidente esecutivo di Anthem, Inc. Fa parte del Consiglio di amministrazione della Cardinal Spellman High School. La signora McCarthy è stata precedentemente impiegata come direttore operativo e vicepresidente esecutivo presso WellChoice, Inc. Si è laureata al Lehman College e ha conseguito un MBA allo Iona College.

Foto Stan McCarthy
Stan McCarthy

Stan McCarthy è un presidente non esecutivo di Ryanair Holdings Plc, un presidente non esecutivo di Ryanair DAC e un co-amministratore delegato di KERRY Ingredients GmbH. McCarthy è stato precedentemente impiegato come vicepresidente delle vendite e del marketing di Kerry, Inc., vicepresidente della gestione dei materiali e degli acquisti di Beatreme Foods, Inc., amministratore delegato di Kerry Group Plc, amministratore delegato di Kerry Cooperative Creameries Ltd. e co-amministratore delegato di SUCREST GmbH. È stato anche membro del consiglio di amministrazione di Spicemanns Ltd.

Foto Danny McCarthy
Danny McCarthy

Danny McCarthy is currently the Director at The MacKay Foundation since 2013 and the Managing Director & Director at TerraCom Ltd.
since 2018.
Previously, he worked as the Chief Operating Officer at Mineral Resources Ltd., the Group General Manager-Mining Operations at Thiess Pty Ltd., and the Group General Manager-Mining Operations at QCoal Pty Ltd.

Foto Anthony McCarthy
Anthony McCarthy

Attualmente, Anthony McCarthy ricopre la posizione di Chief Information Officer per London Stock Exchange Group Plc. McCarthy è stato in precedenza Chief Information Officer di Deutsche Bank AG e Chief Information Officer di The London Clearing House Ltd. McCarthy ha conseguito una laurea presso la Clarkson University e un MBA presso la State University of New York ad Albany.

Foto Barry McCarthy
Barry McCarthy

Attualmente, Barry W. McCarthy è co-amministratore delegato di Spotify GmbH. Il signor McCarthy è anche nel consiglio di Spotify Technology SA, Spotify Ltd. e Maplebear, Inc. e consigliere esecutivo di TCMI, Inc. In precedenza è stato direttore operativo di Clinkle Corp., direttore finanziario e contabile di Netflix, Inc., direttore finanziario e vicepresidente senior di Music Choice, managing partner di BMP Partners, Inc. e direttore e vicepresidente di Credit Suisse First Boston USA, Inc. McCarthy si è laureato al Williams College e ha conseguito un MBA presso la Wharton School dell'Università della Pennsylvania.

Foto Meg McCarthy
Meg McCarthy

Margaret M. McCarthy fa parte del consiglio di amministrazione di American Electric Power Co., Inc. e di altre 5 società. In precedenza ha occupato la posizione di vicepresidente senior - tecnologia dell'informazione presso Cigna Corp. e vicepresidente senior - tecnologia dell'informazione presso CIGNA HealthCare, Inc. (una consociata di Cigna Corp.), Vicepresidente esecutivo-Integrazione tecnologica presso CVS Health Corp. e Vicepresidente esecutivo-Operazioni e tecnologia presso Aetna, Inc. (una filiale della CVS Health Corp.), Consulting Partner presso Ernst & Young LLP, Senior Manager presso Accenture LLC, Chief Information Officer di CommonSpirit Health (Illinois) e Chief Information Officer per Franciscan Health System. Margaret M. McCarthy si è laureata alla Yale University e si è laureata al Providence College.

Foto Tom McCarthy
Tom McCarthy

Thomas A.
is currently an Independent Director at Selective Insurance Group, Inc., a Director at Habitat For Humanity of Montgomery & Delaware Counties, an Independent Director at Privia Health Group, Inc., a Director at Avenue of The Arts, Inc., and a Trustee at The American University of Rome.
Previously, he served as the Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President at Cigna Holding Co. from 2013 to 2017.
He also held positions as a Principal at Kemper Corp., CIGNA Corp., USAA Casualty Insurance Co., and Cigna Health & Life Insurance Co. (Investment Portfolio).
Additionally, he was the Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President at The Cigna Group from 2013 to 2017.
McCarthy holds an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University and an undergraduate degree from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Foto Laurence McCarthy
Laurence McCarthy

Laurence R.
is currently the Executive Chairman at Primera Diagnostics, Inc., Director at Genoptix, Inc., Director at Nexelis Laboratories Canada, Inc., President at Scientific Technologies, Inc., and Member-Supervisory Board at GeneProof AS.
He previously held positions as Executive Chairman at PrimeraDx, Inc., Progene Biomedical, Inc., ViraCor Laboratories LLC, Eurofins Viracor, Inc., and BPA Holding Corp.
He was also Chairman at ASM Resources, Inc. and a Venture Partner at Ampersand Management LLC.
McCarthy served as Vice President-Research & Development at Becton, Dickinson & Co. and President-US Diagnostics Division at Roche Diagnostics GmbH.
He was the Laboratory Director at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Chief Technology Officer at Quest Diagnostics Infectious Disease, Inc. McCarthy received his undergraduate degree from St. Anselm College and his doctorate from the University of New Hampshire.

Foto Christine Matthews
Christine Matthews

Christine Matthews is currently the Chief Financial Officer at Zosano Pharma Corp.
She previously worked as a Finance Director at Cadence Design Systems, Inc. and as a Senior Director-Finance Planning & Analysis at CEPHEID.
Ms. Matthews obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Colorado Boulder.

Foto Christine Grabmaier
Christine Grabmaier

Christine Grabmaier is currently an Independent Director at Volue ASA. Previously, she worked as the Chief Information Officer at thyssenkrupp AG and HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA.
She holds a graduate degree from the University of Gottingen.

Foto Christine Wesström
Christine Wesström

Christine Wesström currently works at SwedenBIO Service AB, as Vice Chairman from 2020 and Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB, as Head-Technical Operations from 2010.
Ms. Wesström received her graduate degree from Mälardalen University.

Foto Christine Pellini
Christine Pellini

Christine Pellini currently works at Paylocity Holding Corp., as VP-Technology & Product from 2006.
Ms. Pellini received her graduate degree from DePaul University.

Foto Christine LaBombard
Christine LaBombard

Attualmente, Christine LaBombard occupa la posizione di Chief Accounting Officer & Senior Vice President per Penn National Gaming, Inc. Nella sua carriera passata è stata Chief Accounting Officer & Senior Vice President alla Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc.

Foto Christine Donaldson
Christine Donaldson

Attualmente, Christine M. Donaldson occupa la posizione di Managing Director-Finance presso ONEX Corp. In passato la signora Donaldson ha occupato la posizione di Accounting Manager presso Commonwealth Hospitality Ltd., Controller per SNC-Lavalin O&M Solutions, Inc. e Audit Manager presso KPMG Chartered Accountants. La signorina Donaldson si è laureata presso l'Università di Waterloo.

Foto Christine Todd
Christine Todd

Attualmente, Christine Hegenbart Lee Todd occupa la posizione di Head of Fixed Income presso Amundi Asset Management US, Inc. In passato è stata presidente presso Standish Mellon Asset Management Co. LLC, Senior Portfolio Manager presso BNY Mellon Investment Adviser, Inc, Vice Presidente presso GW&K Investment Management LLC e Vice Presidente-Finance & Controller presso The Juilliard School. Ha ricevuto un MBA dalla Boston University e una laurea presso la Georgetown University.

Foto Christine Dagousset
Christine Dagousset

Attualmente, Christine Dagousset occupa la posizione di presidente di Olaplex Holdings, Inc. È anche nel consiglio di amministrazione di The Detox Market, Inc. La signora Dagousset ha conseguito una laurea presso l'Institut Supérieur de Gestion.

Foto Christine Lee
Christine Lee

Christine Lee è direttore delle operazioni e della strategia di Gitlab, Inc. La signora Lee si è laureata al Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Foto Christine Collins
Christine Collins

Christine Collins è Chief Technology Officer di Digital Turbine, Inc. In precedenza è stata Chief Technology Officer-Global Business Solutions alla First Data Corp. Ha ricevuto un MBA dalla Texas A&M University e una laurea presso la Missouri State University.

Foto Christine Connolly
Christine Connolly

Christine L. Connolly occupa la posizione di Segretario presso Dollar General Corp.

Foto Christine Holgate
Christine Holgate

Attualmente, Christine W. Holgate occupa la posizione di Group Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director presso Australian Postal Corp. Fa anche parte del consiglio di amministrazione del Collingwood Football Club e del Chairman-ASEAN Council presso l'Australia Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade. In passato ha ricoperto la posizione di Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director & MD per Blackmores Ltd. e Managing Director presso Telstra Corp. Ltd.

Foto Christine LaSala
Christine LaSala

Christine LaSala is an Independent Director at Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. and an Independent Non-Executive Director at James River Group Holdings Ltd.
She previously held positions as the Chief Executive Officer at WTC Captive Insurance Co., Inc., Chairman at Willis North America, Inc., Non-Executive Director at Beazley Group Ltd., Director at Marsh LLC, Non-Executive Director at Beazley Ireland Holdings Plc, Director at Marsh, Inc. (California), and Director at Johnson & Higgins Ltd.
She also served as the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at Beazley Plc from 2016 to 2024.
Ms. LaSala completed her undergraduate degree at The College of New Rochelle.

Foto Christine Corbett
Christine Corbett

Christine Corbett is currently the Chief Executive Officer, MD & Director at AGL Australia Ltd.
She previously worked as the Chief Executive Officer-Designate at Incitec Pivot Ltd.
in 2023, Chief Executive Officer at Australian Postal Corp., and Chief Customer Officer at AGL Energy Ltd.
from 2019 to 2022.
She also has an undergraduate degree from Queensland University of Technology.

Foto Christine Morris
Christine Morris

Christine J.
is currently serving as a Director at DOF ASA, DOF Group ASA, Svitzer Group A, and The Drilling Company of 1972 A.
She previously held positions as a Principal at Adelphia Communications Corp., Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., Fusion MPHC Group, Inc. (Delaware), and Accenture LLP.
She also served as the Chief Financial Officer at The Drilling Company of 1972 A, Datalogix Holdings, Inc., Case Logic, Inc., NextAction Corp., Noble Drilling DS A, and National Energy Services Reunited Corp.
Additionally, she was the Chief Financial & Accounting Officer at National Energy Services Reunited Corp.
and the Chief Financial Officer at BJ Energy Solutions LLC.
Ms. Morris obtained her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Université Catholique de Louvain in 1988 and 1990, respectively.
She also holds an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, which she earned in 1994.

Foto Christine Regitz
Christine Regitz

Christine Regitz is currently a Member Of The Supervisory Board at SAP SE since 2015.
She is also an Advisory Board Member at HV Capital Manager GmbH, a Trustee at Deutsches Museum AdöR, a Member-Management Board at BITKOM Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft-Telekommunikation, a Vice President at Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, and a Trustee at The Steinbeis Foundation.
Previously, she worked as a Consultant at IDS Scheer AG from 1993 to 1994.
Ms. Regitz graduated from the University of Bari in 1992 and from Universität des Saarlandes in 1991.

Foto Christine Mellon
Christine Mellon

Christine Mellon formerly worked at Oracle Corp., as VP-Human Capital Management Transformation from 2013 to 2016, CSG Systems International, Inc., as Chief Human Resources Officer & Senior VP from 2016 to 2021, Omnicell, Inc., as Chief Administrative & People Officer, EVP from 2022 to 2023, EchoStar Corp., as Global Vice President-Human Resources, Aepona Group Ltd., as Head-Global Human Resources, and Aepona Ltd., as Head-Global Human Resources.
Ms. Mellon received her undergraduate degree from Villanova University.

Foto Christine Siu
Christine Siu

La signora Christine E. Siu è direttore operativo di BridgeBio Pharma, Inc. È nel consiglio di amministrazione di Vividion Therapeutics, Inc. e Monte Rosa Therapeutics, Inc. Siu è stata precedentemente impiegata come direttore finanziario e contabile di Eidos Therapeutics, Inc., direttore commerciale di The Bluefield Project to Cure Frontotemporal Dementia, direttore senior delle operazioni e dello sviluppo commerciale di Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc., direttore di Third Rock Ventures LLC, vicepresidente di Thomas, McNerney & Partners LLC, analista di Bear, Stearns & Co, Inc. e gestore di portafoglio di Warburg Pincus LLC. È stata anche membro del consiglio di amministrazione di NeuroTherapeutics Pharma, Inc. Si è laureata all'Università del Michigan e ha conseguito un MBA alla Harvard Business School.

Foto Christine Breves
Christine Breves

Christine S. Breves fa parte del consiglio del Center for Advanced Purchasing Studies e del Chief Financial Officer & Senior Vice President della United States Steel Corp. In passato la signora Breves è stata direttore degli acquisti presso Alumax, Inc. e responsabile degli acquisti presso Alcoa, Inc. La signora Breves ha conseguito una laurea presso il College of Charleston e un MBA presso The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina.

Foto Christine Leahy
Christine Leahy

Christine A. Leahy è un amministratore indipendente di Target Corp., un presidente, amministratore delegato e direttore di CDW Corp., un amministratore delegato e direttore di CDW LLC, un membro dell'American Bar Association, un membro dell'Ordine degli avvocati del distretto di Columbia, un membro dell'Ordine degli avvocati di Chicago e un membro di The Chicago Network. Fa parte del consiglio di amministrazione di Target Corp., CDW Corp., CDW LLC, Junior Achievement di Chicago, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, The Economic Club of Chicago e Children's Home + Aid. La signora Leahy è stata precedentemente impiegata come partner di Sidley Austin LLP e membro di The Economic Club of Chicago (Illinois). Si è laureata alla Brown University e si è laureata alla Boston College Law School.

Foto Christine McLoughlin
Christine McLoughlin

Christine Frances McLoughlin è una donna d'affari che ha fondato Minerva Network e che è stata a capo di 6 diverse aziende. Attualmente, ricopre la posizione di Presidente di Minerva Network, Presidente di Stadium Australia Management Ltd., Presidente di Stadium Australia Group Ltd. (una sussidiaria di Stadium Australia Management Ltd.), Presidente di Venues New South Wales e non. (una consociata di Stadium Australia Management Ltd.), Presidente di Venues New South Wales e Presidente non esecutivo di Suncorp Group Ltd. La signora McLoughlin è anche membro della Australian Securities & Investments Commission e fa parte del consiglio di amministrazione di altre 10 società. In passato la signora McLoughlin ha ricoperto la posizione di presidente non esecutivo per Australian Payments Council. Ha conseguito una laurea e un diploma di laurea presso l'Australian National University.

Foto Christine Carmody
Christine Carmody

Attualmente, Christine M. Carmody ricopre la posizione di EVP-Human Resources & Information Technology presso Eversource Energy e SVP-Human Resources & Information Technology presso The Connecticut Light & Power Co. e Director, Executive VP-Human Resources & IT presso Eversource Energy Service Co. Ltd. (entrambe sono sussidiarie di Eversource Energy). Christine M. Carmody fa anche parte del consiglio di amministrazione di Northeast Human Resources Association, Nstar Electric & Gas Corp., Nstar Foundation e Eversource Energy Foundation, Inc. Nella sua carriera passata ha occupato la posizione di consulente per lo sviluppo dell'organizzazione e la formazione presso The Talbots, Inc., specialista della formazione presso Bradlees, Inc., vicepresidente senior delle risorse umane presso NSTAR, direttore e vicepresidente senior delle risorse umane presso Public Service Company of New Hampshire, direttore e vicepresidente senior delle risorse umane presso Western Massachusetts Electric Co, Direttore e vicepresidente senior delle risorse umane presso Yankee Gas Services Co., Direttore e vicepresidente senior delle risorse umane presso NSTAR Electric Co. e Direttore e vicepresidente senior delle risorse umane presso NSTAR Gas Co. Ha ricevuto un MBA dall'Anna Maria College e una laurea presso il College of the Holy Cross (Massachusetts).

Foto Christine Hodgson
Christine Hodgson

Christine Mary Hodgson è una donna d'affari che è stata a capo di 5 diverse aziende e attualmente è presidente di Severn Trent Plc, presidente di Severn Trent Water Ltd. (una filiale di Severn Trent Plc) e presidente di The Care & Enterprise Co. (una sussidiaria della Severn Trent Plc) e Presidente di The Careers & Enterprise Co. Ltd. La signora Hodgson è anche nel consiglio di Standard Chartered Plc, Business in the Community, Hafren Dyfrdwy Cyfyngedig e CGS Holdings Ltd. In precedenza ha ricoperto la posizione di amministratore delegato per Technology Services Group Ltd., direttore dello sviluppo aziendale presso Ronson Plc, CFO & CEO-Technology Services, North West Europe presso Capgemini UK Plc e Senior Manager presso Coopers & Lybrand (Londra).

Foto Christine Kalla
Christine Kalla

Attualmente, Christine Kucera Kalla ricopre la posizione di vicepresidente esecutivo e consigliere generale presso The Travelers Cos. La signora Kalla si è laureata presso l'Università del Minnesota e si è laureata presso la Mitchell Hamline School of Law.

Foto Christine Coignard
Christine Coignard

Christine Coignard is the founder and the Managing Director of Coignard & Haas GmbH, which was founded in 2001.
She is currently serving as an Independent Non-Executive Director at Eramet SA, Ecora Resources Plc, and Rigel Resource Acquisition Corp.
She previously held the position of Managing Director at Hatch Corporate Finance and Hatch International Advisers Ltd.
She also served as an Independent Non-Executive Director at Solidcore Resources Plc from 2014 to 2020.
Additionally, Ms. Coignard has experience as a Director at Tenetopera Ltd.
and as the Head-Investment, Strategy & Corporate Financing at MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC.
She has also worked as a Project Manager at Interros Holding Co. CJSC and as the Head-Finance & Investment Strategy at Norilsk Nickel PJSC.
Ms. Coignard completed her undergraduate studies at EM Lyon Business School and holds an MBA from The Schulich School of Business.

Foto Christine Dye
Christine Dye

Christine Dye has worked as a Finance Director at Citrix Systems, Inc. and Citrix Online LLC, as well as a Controller at Vapps, Inc. She also served as the Chief Financial Officer at Arria NLG (UK) Ltd., SilverSun Technologies, Inc., SWN Communications, Inc., SWK Technologies, Inc., On-Net Surveillance Systems, Inc., and Answer America LLC.
Additionally, she obtained an undergraduate degree from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Foto Christine Ginocchio
Christine Ginocchio

Christine Ginocchio is currently the Chief Medical & Scientific Officer at VedaBio, Inc. Prior to her current position, she served as the Chief Scientific & Medical Officer at Quotient Ltd.
from 2021 to 2023.
She also held the role of Senior Vice President-Global Medical Affairs at bioMérieux SA.

Foto Christine Keener
Christine Keener

Christine Elizabeth Keener is currently working as a Director at Alcoa Saudi Smelting Inversiones SL and as the Chief Operating Officer-North America at Barrick Gold Corp.
Her education includes an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University and an undergraduate degree from Grove City College.

Foto Christine Lentz
Christine Lentz

Christine Lentz is currently the Director at the National Center For Missing & Exploited Children.
She is also the Senior VP-Compliance & Corporate Services at VeriSign, Inc. and a Member at Women in Technology.
Ms. Lentz has an undergraduate degree from North Carolina State University and a graduate degree from Fordham University School of Law.

Foto Christine Ashton
Christine Ashton

Christine Hilary Ashton is currently a Non-Executive Director at The Royal Bank of Scotland International Ltd., an Independent Non-Executive Director at Pay.UK Ltd., and a Member of the British Computer Society.
Previously, she held the position of Senior Vice President-Technology at Thomson Reuters Corp.
and was the Chief Information Officer at SUSE SA (Old).

Foto Christine Putur
Christine Putur

Christine C.
is an Independent Director at Information Services Group, Inc. She previously worked as a Principal at Compaq Computer Corp., SVP-North American Delivery & Supply Chain Systems at Staples, Inc., and Chief Information Officer at Tapestry, Inc. She was also the Chief Information Officer & Executive VP at Tapestry, Inc. from 2013 to 2017.
Currently, she is the Executive Vice President-Technology & Operations at Recreational Equipment, Inc. Ms. Putur received her undergraduate degree from Colby College in 1984 and her graduate degree from Questrom School of Business.

Foto Christine Schöneweis
Christine Schöneweis

Christine Schöneweis is currently a Member-Supervisory Board at Nemetschek SE and a Member-Supervisory Board at 1&1 AG.
Previously, she worked at SAP SE as the Chief Operating Officer & Senior Vice President.
She completed her undergraduate degree at Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Heidenheim.

Foto Christine Herman
Christine Herman

Christine Herman is currently the Chief Information Security Officer at Finance of America Equity Capital LLC.
Previously, she worked as a Technology Director at Morgan Stanley from 2017 to 2018.
From 2020 to 2023, she served as the Chief Technology & Security Officer at Finance of America Cos., Inc. Ms. Herman completed her undergraduate degree at the State University of New York at Buffalo.

Foto Liam G. McCarthy
Liam G. McCarthy

Liam G.
served as an Independent Director at Columbus McKinnon Corp.
from 2008 to 2023.
Prior to that, he held various director positions at Singapore Economic Development Board, Agency for Science, Technology & Research, and The Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
He also served as President & Chief Supply Chain Officer at Molex LLC and as President & Chief Operating Officer at Molex Automotive SARL.
Additionally, he was the Interim General Manager at Molex Ireland from 2002 to 2004.
Mr. McCarthy received his undergraduate degree from University College Dublin and his MBA from Henley Management College.

Foto John McCarthy
John McCarthy

John McCarthy is a Partner of Barnett International.
He joined Barnett International in 2000.
He has more than 10 years of pharmaceutical consulting experience.

Foto Anthony McCarthy
Anthony McCarthy

Anthony McCarthy is currently the Vice President at the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development.
Previously, he worked as the Director of People & Organisational Effectiveness at British Airways Plc, Director of Group Human Resources at BAE Systems Plc, Group Director of People at Postal Services Holding Co. Ltd., and Director of Global Human Resources at Eurasian Natural Resources Corp Ltd.

Foto William McCarthy
William McCarthy

William Charles McCarthy is currently the Chief Operating Officer at Ocient, Inc. He was previously the Chief Executive Officer at ShopperTrak UK Ltd.
from 2013 to 2016.
He also held positions as Principal at Abbott Laboratories and CNA Insurance Co. Ltd.
Additionally, he was the Chief Operating Officer at ShopLocal LLC.
Mr. McCarthy received his undergraduate degree from the University of Notre Dame.

Foto Jeff M. McCarthy
Jeff M. McCarthy

Jeff M.
is currently a Director at Business & Capital Pty Ltd.
He previously worked as a Managing Director at Alder Capital LLC, a Senior Vice President at Jefferies LLC, and a Chief Operating Officer at G2 Capital Management LLC (New York).
Mr. McCarthy received his undergraduate degree from Miami University and the University of Delaware.

Foto Barry McCarthy
Barry McCarthy

Barry C.
is the founder of MagnaCash, Inc. He is currently the President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Deluxe Corp.
He is also a Director at Merchant-Link LLC, Technology Association of Georgia, Junior Achievement of Georgia, Inc., Catholic Charities Atlanta, and a Trustee at The Woodruff Arts Center.
Previously, he served as the Non-Executive Chairman at Esurg Corp.
and as a Director at Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce.
From 2007 to 2018, he was the President-Financial Services at First Data Corp.
He also held positions at Wells Fargo & Co. as Vice President, GM-ATM Cards & Services, at Procter & Gamble Co. as Manager-Customer Marketing, and at VeriSign, Inc. as Vice President & General Manager.
He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Illinois and earned an MBA from Kellogg School of Management.

Foto Paul McCarthy
Paul McCarthy

Paul McCarthy is the founder and currently serves as the Chairman of SmartDog Services LLC, a company he founded in 1990.
He previously worked at Oracle Corp.
as a Principal.
Mr. McCarthy holds a graduate degree from The University of Texas at Austin and an undergraduate degree from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Foto John McCarthy
John McCarthy

John R.
is currently an Independent Director at Climb Global Solutions, Inc. since 2019 and a Trustee at Providence College since 2018.
Previously, he served as the President & Chief Executive Officer at Mainline Information Systems LLC from 2009 to 2022.
He also held positions as a Director at Avamar Technologies, Inc. and Archivas, Inc. Additionally, he was a Director at Nasuni Corp.
from 2011 to 2019.
Prior to that, he served as the President & Chief Operating Officer at StorageApps, Inc. from 2000 to 2002.
He has also worked as a Principal at McData Corp., Computer Technology Corp, and EMC.
Furthermore, he served as an Operating Partner at Stripes LLC and as the Senior Vice President-Sales at Virtual Iron Software, Inc. from 2007 to 2009.
He was also a Principal at CNT, Inc. Mr. McCarthy obtained his undergraduate degree from Providence College.

Foto Phillip James McCarthy
Phillip James McCarthy

Phillip James McCarthy is currently a Non-Executive Director at Custom Fluidpower Pty Ltd., a Member-Executive Committee at the Australian Coal Association, and a Member-Executive Committee at the New South Wales Minerals Council Ltd.
In the past, he served as the Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director at Powercoal Pty Ltd., the Non-Executive Chairman at Endocoal Ltd., the Chairman at Mine Site Technologies Pty Ltd., a Non-Executive Director at AXP Energy Ltd., a Non-Executive Director at WDS Ltd., and a Director at Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation, Inc., Jellinbah Resources Pty Ltd., and ACN 113 793 641 Pty Ltd.

Foto Ari McCarthy
Ari McCarthy

Ari McCarthy worked as a Marketing Coordinator at the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Foto John Ty McCarthy
John Ty McCarthy

John Ty McCarthy was the founder of Rescue Social Change Group LLC, founded in 2007, where he held the title of Chief Financial Officer, and BVC Consulting, Inc., founded in 2005, where he held the title of Finance Director.
He currently works at American Mensa Ltd.
as a Member.
Mr. McCarthy's former positions include Finance Manager at Cisco Systems, Inc. and Management Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
He received an undergraduate degree from Arizona State University.

Foto Sandy McCarthy
Sandy McCarthy

Sandy McCarthy is currently the Director at Junior Achievement of Central Indiana, Inc. Prior to this, she was the President at Voya Institutional Plan Services LLC.

Foto Gordon McCarthy
Gordon McCarthy

Gordon McCarthy currently works at Spinnaker Industries, Inc. (Ontario), as Vice President-Sales & Marketing.

Foto Cornelius McCarthy
Cornelius McCarthy

Cornelius P.
is the founder of Fairmount Partners LP, which was founded in 2003.
He held the title of Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director.
Currently, he is a Director at NMS Labs and Atlantic Research Group, Inc. He is also an Independent Director at Medpace Holdings, Inc. where he started in 2018.
Previously, he was a Director at Bonded Motors, Inc. and held the same title at Cambridge Biomedical, Inc. from 2016 to 2019.
He was also MD, Vice President & Head-US Investment Banking at Investec (United States) from 1997 to 2003.
Mr. McCarthy received his undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia and his graduate degree from Villanova University School of Law.

Foto Jim McCarthy
Jim McCarthy

Jim McCarthy is currently the Director of Sales and Business Development at SensorLogic, Inc. He previously worked as the Director of Healthcare Solutions and Sales Operations at Colubris Networks, Inc., Sales Director at ThingMagic, Inc., Principal at NetLink, Inc., and Principal at Altiga Networks, Inc.

Foto Adam C. McCarthy
Adam C. McCarthy

Adam C.
is currently the President of McNamara.

Foto Valerie A. McCarthy
Valerie A. McCarthy

Valerie A.
served as Chairman at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Inc., Planned Parenthood of Illinois, and Planned Parenthood of Greater Toledo.

Foto Loretta McCarthy
Loretta McCarthy

Loretta McCarthy is currently the Co-CEO & Managing Partner at Golden Seeds LLC, Director at Prolitec, Inc., and Principal at McCarthy Group LLC.
Her former positions include Director at Carnegie Speech Co., Inc., Director at New Yorkers for Children, Vice President-Industry Marketing at American Express Co., and Chief Marketing Officer at OppenheimerFunds, Inc. She holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Arizona and an MBA from the University of Colorado.

Foto Michael D. McCarthy
Michael D. McCarthy

Michael D.
is associated with the founding of Metko, Inc. in 1971, where he held the titles of President and Chief Executive Officer.

Foto Diane McCarthy
Diane McCarthy

Diane McCarthy currently works as a Manager-Human Resources at Metko, Inc.

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