Altre lingue AUD / USD

Tasso di cambio


Tempo differito 06:21:12 13/07/2024 Variaz. 5gg Var. 1 gen.
0,6783 USD 0,00% Grafico intraday di Australian Dollar / US Dollar (AUD/USD) +0,50% -0,40%
Goldman Sachs nombra vicepresidente a Robert Kaplan, exjefe de la Fed de Dallas
Les marchés conservent leur dynamique haussière
MÄRKTE USA/Rally geht langsam die Puste aus - Disney unter Druck
Aktien New York: Indizes behaupten Gewinne
Gold Edges Down Despite Weakening Yields and Uncertain Geopolitical Outlook
Kashkari de la Fed dice que política monetaria puede no ser tan restrictiva como se pensaba
Wall Street : une pause après trois séances de hausse
Aktien New York Ausblick: Wenig bewegt nach Erholung - Bericht beflügelt Peloton
Wall Street koerst af op vlakke opening
MÄRKTE USA/Rally dürfte auslaufen
Australian Dollar Weakens Following Central Bank's Decision to Keep Cash Rate Unchanged
Investor Sentiment Muted After Rate Cut Optimism, Stifling US Equity Futures Pre-Bell
US-Anleihen: Leichte Kursgewinne zu Handelsbeginn
Aktien Frankfurt: Dax steigt weiter - Infineon dominiert mit Erholungsrally
Truist sells nearly $28 billion of low-yield investments
Markets Take Breather After Rate-Cut Optimism as US Equity Futures Waver Pre-Bell
Los mercados de India cierran a la baja lastrados por los valores siderúrgicos y financieros -- Market Talk
US Dollar Rises Early Tuesday Ahead of Redbook, Consumer Sentiment
SocGen's Tuesday Outlook for Currencies, Bonds, Macroeconomics, Policy Events
Why the Fed Is Right to Bide Its Time on Rate Moves
Futures Wall Street wijzen op nagenoeg vlakke opening
Australia's Central Bank Disappoints Market Expectations for Stronger Signal That Rate Hike Imminent, Says Mitsubishi UFG
Gold eases as dollar ticks higher, Fed speaker on tap
S&P 500, Dow futures inch higher ahead of Walt Disney results
North American Morning Briefing : Stock Futures Muted After Rally Fueled by Rate-Cut Hopes
Australia Central Bank Disappoints Market Expectations for Stronger Single That Rate Hike Imminent, Says Mitsubishi UFG
Visión general de las materias primas: El apetito de los bancos centrales por el oro no cesa
HSBC AM : la désinflation n'est que retardée
MARKT USA/Rally dürfte auslaufen
Aktien Frankfurt: Dax steigt weiter an heissem Berichtssaison-Tag
Commerzbank on Overnight News
European Midday Briefing : Hopes of U.S. Rate Cut Buoys Mood
AEX zet vizier op 900 punten
La livre se replie face aux attentes d'une baisse de taux à l'été
SocGen's Overnight Economic News Summary
Opmars Brusselse beurs richting 4.000 punten
Bourse Zurich: le vert de mise à l'approche de la mi-journée, UBS décolle
Rentevoeten: verdwaald in de ruimte
Will the Asian market outperform the US?
"La désinflation américaine semble marquer le pas" (Groupe Richelieu)
Paris garde son élan et dépasse les 8.000 points
La confiance règne sur les marchés boursiers mondiaux
South Korean Shares Close Higher on US Fed Rate Cut Hopes
Bourse Zurich: ouverture en hausse, UBS et Geberit bondissent
BOLETÍN MATINAL : 7 de mayo de 2024

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