Notizie UBS ETF (IE) Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF - Distributing - USD




Tempo differito Swiss Exchange 17:41:01 29/04/2024 Variaz. 5gg Var. 1 gen.
16,52 USD +0,71% Grafico intraday di UBS ETF (IE) Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF - Distributing - USD +2,08% +0,74%
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UBS ETF plc - Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis Announces Interim Dividend Declaration for the Financial Year 2020, Payable on 06 August 2020
UBS ETF plc - Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis Announces Interim Dividend for the Financial Year 2020, Payable on August 6, 2020
UBS ETF plc - Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF A-dis Announces Interim Dividend for the Financial Year 2020, Payable on August 6, 2020
UBS ETF plc - Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis Announces Dividend Declaration for the Financial Year 2019, Payable on February 6, 2020
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UBS ETF plc - Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) Declares Interim Distribution for the Financial Year 2019, Payable on August 6, 2019
UBS ETF plc - Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF Declares Interim Distribution for the Financial Year 2019, Payable on August 6, 2019
UBS ETF plc - Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis Announces Annual Dividend for the Financial Year 2018, Payable on February 05, 2019
UBS ETF plc - Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis Announces Dividend Declaration for the Financial Year 2018, Payable on February 05, 2019
UBS ETF Public Limited Company - Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF Declares Interim Distribution for the Financial Year 2018, Payable on August 3, 2018
UBS ETF plc - Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis Announces Dividend Declaration for the Financial Year 2017, Payable on February 05, 2018
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Rating degli ETF


Codice ISIN IE00BDR5GT91
Spese di gestione (TER) 0.20%
Categoria di attività
Società di gestione
Sottostante Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality 100 Leaders Net Total Return Index - USD


Metodo di replica
Modello di replica
Data di creazione
Politica dei dividendi
Focus geografico


Investitore individuale

Evoluzione AuM ( 27/03/2024 )

AuM (EUR) 53 M€
AuM 1 mese 56 M€
AuM 3 mesi 60 M€
AuM 6 mesi 63 M€
AuM 12 mesi 51 M€
  1. Borsa valori
  2. ETF
  4. Notizie UBS ETF (IE) Global Gender Equality UCITS ETF - Distributing - USD