Società (2)

Logo GTI Energy Limited

GTI Energy Limited è una società con sede in Australia, impegnata nell'esplorazione di terreni minerari negli Stati Uniti d'America, tra cui Utah, Colorado e Wyoming. I progetti della Società comprendono il recupero in situ (ISR) del Wyoming e le Henry Mo ...

Logo GTI Resources Limited

GTI Energy Limited è una società con sede in Australia, impegnata nell'esplorazione di terreni minerari negli Stati Uniti d'America, tra cui Utah, Colorado e Wyoming. I progetti della Società comprendono il recupero in situ (ISR) del Wyoming e le Henry Mo ...


Foto Jeffrey Lorberbaum
Jeffrey Lorberbaum

Attualmente, Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum occupa la posizione di presidente e amministratore delegato di Mohawk Industries, Inc. Nella sua carriera passata ha occupato la posizione di vicepresidente delle operazioni presso Aladdin Mills, Inc.

Foto Menachem Lorberbaum
Menachem Lorberbaum

Menachem Lorberbaum has worked as a Director at The New Israel Fund in New York.

Foto Michal Lorberbaum
Michal Lorberbaum

Michal Lorberbaum is currently working as an Investment Director at T-Pool Ltd.
and as an Independent External Director at Zooz Power Ltd.
He previously worked as a Chief Investment Officer at M.
Arkin (1999) Ltd., New Pole Ltd., and Lighthouse Financial Solutions.
Before that, he worked as an External Director at Lahav L.R.
Real Estate Ltd.
and as a Director-Research Development at Harel Insurance Co. Ltd.
Mr. Lorberbaum completed his undergraduate and MBA degrees from Tel-Aviv University.

Foto Gilad Lorberbaum
Gilad Lorberbaum

Gilad Lorberbaum is the founder of ProstaPlant Urology Systems Ltd.
founded in 2004.
He worked as a Director at Medx Xelerator LP.
He was also the Chief Operating Officer at Rainbow Medical Ltd.
from 2007 to 2015.

Foto Brian Lorberbaum
Brian Lorberbaum

Mr. Brian Lorberbaum is an Analyst at Timbervest LLC snce December 2011.
Prior to joining Timbervest, Mr. Lorberbaum worked as an intern at a boutique valuation and investment banking firm which offers its services to a broad range of clients.
Mr. Lorberbaum graduated from the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia with a BBA in Finance and is currently a Level II candidate in the CFA program.

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