Notizie (152)

Come i produttori di jet si sono divisi il fornitore in difficoltà Spirit AeroSystems RE
Il dilemma del produttore di motori Boeing ha pesato sulla revisione della produzione di Airbus RE
Analisi-Il dilemma del produttore di motori Boeing ha contribuito a bloccare i piani di produzione di Airbus RE
Airbus abbassa l'obiettivo di consegna per il 2024 e posticipa quello di produzione RE
Airbus cerca M&A CI
Il CEO di Airbus cita le forniture di motori e Spirit Aero nel taglio degli obiettivi di produzione RE
Boeing si avvicina all'accordo con il fornitore Spirit Aero dopo mesi di trattative, dicono le fonti RE
Il CEO di Airbus Guillaume Faury interviene al vertice sull'aviazione di Berlino MT
L'Europa deve investire di più nella produzione di difesa, dice il CEO di Airbus RE
I capi delle compagnie aeree globali affronteranno le sfide geopolitiche e climatiche RE
I capi delle compagnie aeree globali affronteranno le sfide geopolitiche e climatiche RE
Airbus ha chiesto una compensazione per assumere le attività di Spirit che perdono denaro, dicono le fonti RE
L'amministratore delegato di Airbus dice che la catena di fornitura è tesa MT
I costi di espansione pesano sul Q1, ma Airbus aumenta l'obiettivo di produzione dell'A350 RE
Airbus registra un utile operativo al di sotto delle aspettative nel 1° trimestre RE
L'ex CEO di JetBlue Hayes guiderà Airbus in Nord America RE
Il CEO di Airbus dice che 'non è improbabile' che prenda alcuni impianti di Spirit Aero CI
Esclusivo: il CEO di Airbus dice che 'non è improbabile' che prenda alcuni stabilimenti di Spirit Aero RE
Airbus conferma gli obiettivi di produzione in presenza di una forte domanda RE
Airbus conferma gli obiettivi di produzione in presenza di una forte domanda RE
Panoramica Dpa-AFX: AZIENDE dal 10/04/2024 - 15:15 DP
Gli azionisti di Airbus si riuniscono in un contesto di forte domanda di jet RE
L'amministratore delegato di Airbus dice che i problemi di Boeing danneggiano l'intera industria RE
Il CEO di Airbus prevede di consegnare 800 aerei nel 2024 MT
Airbus: risultati 2023 solidi, ma le previsioni sono leggermente deludenti CF
Air Airbus cerca M&A CI
Airbus propone un dividendo speciale dopo il miglioramento dei risultati per il 2023 RE
Il CEO di Airbus dice al personale che le perdite nel settore spaziale sono 'inaccettabili'. RE
Airbus firma una partnership con il Gruppo Tata CF
Il CEO di Airbus dice che l'industria dei jet ha bisogno di più capacità RE
Airbus sta monitorando attentamente l'indagine sull'incidente di Alaska Air - CEO RE
Gli obiettivi di consegna di Airbus sono in linea con il miglioramento dei problemi della catena di fornitura, dicono i dirigenti RE
Airbus è fiducioso nell'obiettivo di consegna del 2026 RE
Airbus-record di ordini per il 2023 RE
Airbus: ha consegnato 735 aerei commerciali nel 2023 CF
Airbus registra ordini record nel 2023, batte Boeing nelle consegne RE
Atos in trattative "avanzate" con Airbus per la sua divisione di cybersecurity, il prezzo delle azioni sale RE
Airbus è in trattative 'avanzate' con Atos per l'unità BDS - Le Figaro RE
Le ultime consegne lasciano Airbus a portata di obiettivo RE
Dacci ordini, non solo obiettivi, dicono le aziende di armi all'Europa RE
La Germania continuerà a sviluppare il progetto Scaf con la Francia - Ministro RE
Panoramica Dpa-AFX: AZIENDE dal 09/11/2023 - 15:15 DP
L'amministratore delegato di Airbus parla di produzione di aeromobili, domanda e tendenze di viaggio MT
L'amministratore delegato di Airbus non vede alcun segno di abbandono del progetto di caccia da parte della Germania RE
Airbus: calo del 9% dell'utile netto nei primi nove mesi dell'anno CF
1234SuccessivoMostra tutto

Società (1)

Logo Canadian Net Real Estate Investment Trust

Canadian Net Real Estate Investment Trust (il Trust) è un trust di investimento immobiliare aperto con sede in Canada. Il Trust possiede e affitta proprietà immobiliari commerciali direttamente, attraverso le sue società interamente controllate e le joint ...


Guillaume Faury
Guillaume Faury

Guillaume Faury è un uomo d'affari che è stato a capo di 6 diverse aziende. Fa parte del consiglio di Groupement Industries Franaises Aeronautiques Spatiale e Tallano Technologie SAS e Amministratore Delegato di Airbus SE. In passato Faury ha ricoperto la posizione di Amministratore Delegato di Airbus Helicopters SAS, Presidente di Peugeot Citroen Moteurs SA, Vice Presidente Esecutivo-Ricerca e Sviluppo di Peugeot SA e Direttore Associato di Peugeot Citron Poissy SNC. Ha conseguito una laurea presso l'Ecole Polytechnique e una laurea presso la cole Nationale Suprieure de Aronautique et de lEspace.

Guillaume Daniellot
Guillaume Daniellot

Attualmente, Guillaume Daniellot ricopre la posizione di amministratore delegato della Straumann Holding AG e di co-amministratore delegato della Etkon GmbH (una filiale della Straumann Holding AG). È anche nel consiglio di amministrazione di Rodo Medical, Inc. In passato ha ricoperto la posizione di amministratore delegato presso Straumann, di manager per B. Braun Holding AG e di direttore vendite e marketing di Dentsply France SAS. Ha conseguito una laurea presso l'Università di Digione e un MBA presso la ESCP Europe Campus Paris.

Foto Guillaume Texier
Guillaume Texier

Attualmente, Guillaume Jean Philippe Texier occupa la posizione di presidente dell'Institut Mines-Tlcom e vicepresidente senior della Compagnie de Saint-Gobain SA, presidente di Partidis (una filiale della Compagnie de Saint-Gobain SA). È anche nel consiglio di amministrazione di Veolia Environnement SA. Nella sua carriera passata, il sig. Texier ha ricoperto la posizione di Presidente-Roofing presso la CertainTeed Corp. e di Direttore Generale della Certainteed Gypsum Canada, Inc. Ha conseguito una laurea presso l'Ecole Polytechnique e una laurea presso la cole Nationale Suprieure des Mines de Paris.

Foto Guillaume Moyen
Guillaume Moyen

Attualmente, Guillaume Moyen ricopre la posizione di Group Chief Financial Officer di Dangote Cement Plc. Moyen ha precedentemente ricoperto la posizione di Group Chief Financial Officer di OLA Energy Group e di Chief Financial Officer di Orano SA. Il sig. Moyen ha ricevuto un MBA dalla Columbia Business School.

Foto Guillaume Lesage
Guillaume Lesage

Guillaume Lesage è Head-Operations, Services & Technology Division presso Amundi SA. Fa anche parte del consiglio di amministrazione di Fund Channel SA. Lesage ha precedentemente ricoperto la posizione di vice amministratore delegato presso Crdit Agricole SA. Si è laureato presso la Scuola Centrale di Parigi e ha conseguito un MBA presso l'INSEAD.

Foto Guillaume Boutin
Guillaume Boutin

Guillaume Boutin occupa la posizione di presidente di TeleSign Corp. Il signor Boutin è anche nel consiglio di Scarlet Belgium NV e Mobisud SA e amministratore delegato di Proximus SA. Il sig. Boutin ha conseguito una laurea presso la cole des Hautes tudes Commerciales de Paris e un MBA presso l'INSEAD.

Foto Guillaume Bouhours
Guillaume Bouhours

Attualmente, Guillaume Bouhours occupa la posizione di presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza di Faiveley Transport LEKOV e di EVP-Finance, Purchasing & Information Systems presso bioMrieux SA. È anche Chief Financial Officer di Faiveley Transport e direttore di Faiveley Transport Verwaltungs GmbH e nel consiglio di amministrazione di altre 9 società. Il signor Bouhours ha precedentemente ricoperto la posizione di Presidente di Faiveley Transport Czech e di Direttore degli investimenti presso Sagard SAS. Ha conseguito una laurea presso la cole Nationale Suprieure des Mines de Paris e una laurea presso l'Ecole Polytechnique.

Foto Guillaume de Posch
Guillaume de Posch

Guillaume de Posch è un uomo d'affari belga che è stato a capo di 7 diverse aziende. Attualmente, è presidente di RTL Belgium SA, presidente di RTL Belux SA e amministratore delegato di CLT-UFA SA. È anche presidente dell'Associazione delle televisioni commerciali in Europa e nel consiglio di amministrazione di altre 10 società. Nella sua carriera passata De Posch è stato membro indipendente del consiglio di sorveglianza di Mtropole Tlvision SA, presidente del consiglio esecutivo di ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, direttore di ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH (una filiale di ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE), Vice Direttore Generale & Head-Programming presso Compagnie Luxembourgeoise De Telediffusion, Partner presso GDP Media SPRL, Vice Presidente-Hong Kong presso Tractebel SA, Vice Direttore Generale per Television Par Satellite SNC, Manager per P7S1 Zweite SBS Holding GmbH e Manager presso P7S1 Erste SBS Holding GmbH. Il signor De Posch si è laureato all'Universit Libre de Bruxelles.

Foto Youssef Faury
Youssef Faury

Youssef Faury worked at Capptain SASU from 2010 to 2014, where he held the position of Director, SVP-Sales & Partner from 2012 to 2014.

Foto Julien Faury
Julien Faury

Julien Faury is currently the Vice President of Operations at Adents US, Inc. He started this position in 2017 and is still currently employed there.
Previously, he held the same position at Adents High Tech International SAS.

Foto Maria Faury
Maria Faury

Maria Faury currently works at European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH, as Chairman-Board of Council, IFP Energies Nouvelles, as Director-State Representative, France Ministry of National Education, Higher Educ & Research, as Scientific Director, and Synchrotron Soleil SC, as Director.

Foto Jerome Faury
Jerome Faury

Jerome Faury is the founder of Immersve Ltd and currently holds the position of Chief Executive Officer at Centrapay Ltd.

Foto Françoise Guillaume
Françoise Guillaume

Ms. Françoise Guillaume is Global Chief Operating Officer at Newedge Group SA. Ms. Guillaume joins from Societe Generale where she has worked in a range of senior leadership roles over the past 20 years, serving as Chief Financial Officer for SG Group Management Resources.
Previously, she worked as Managing Director of Short Term Rates for Societe Generale Asset Management and Deputy Director of Fixed Income and Money.
IT, Operations, e-solutions, Human Resources, Finance, Risk, and Sales Facilitation report directly to Ms. Guillaume.
She is responsible for ensuring the strategic alignment of these groups with the goals of the firm, coordinating cross-function initiatives, and supporting Business Line activity.

Foto Guillaume Lefebvre
Guillaume Lefebvre

Guillaume Lefebvre is a Partner at Sagard NewGen and joined the firm in 2020.
As a member of Sagard NewGen investment team, Guillaume plays an active role in originating and executing deals, as well as in tracking investment performance.
He is based in Paris.
Prior to Sagard, Guillaume worked as a Director at Keensight Capital in Paris where he was involved in investments in small and medium-sized companies in IT/Tech and Healthcare.
He has also worked as an Analyst, then as an Associate at Argos Wityu, where he was involved in investments across various sectors including Healthcare and Energy.
He began his career in private equity within the Merchant Banking division of Rothschild & Co (FAPI).
Guillaume is holds Master degrees in Finance and Economics from ESCP Business School and Pantheon-Sorbonne University.

Foto Guillaume Lavoie
Guillaume Lavoie

Guillaume Lavoie has worked as a Technical Director at Sacopan, Inc. and as a Secretary & Director at Jeunesses Musicales du Canada.

Foto Guillaume Philippe
Guillaume Philippe

Guillaume Philippe worked as a Software Engineer at CAMKA System SASU.

Foto Guillaume Boccara
Guillaume Boccara

Dr. Guillaume Boccara is a Senior Analyst at BBT Capital Management LLC.
Dr. Boccara was employed as a Senior Analyst by Korenvaes Management LLC, Capital Tactics Advisors LLC and NewCastle Partners LLC, a Portfolio Manager & Senior Analyst by Newcastle Capital Management LP, an Analyst by Sagamore Hill Capital Management LP and Q Investments LP, and Vice President by Union Bank of Switzerland and Union Bank of California NA.
He received his BBA in Finance from EM Lyon Business School, DESS 203 in Finance from Université Paris Dauphine, and his MBA from the McCombs School of Business.

Foto Derville Colin Guillaume
Derville Colin Guillaume

Derville Colin Guillaume worked as the Head of Asia Equity Derivatives Strategy at BNP Paribas Securities (Asia) Ltd.
from 2010 to 2019.

Foto Guillaume Gauville
Guillaume Gauville

Guillaume Gauville worked as a Research Analyst at Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd.
from 2012 to 2021.

Foto Guillaume Gozlan
Guillaume Gozlan

Guillaume Gozlan is currently the Chairman at Meilleurplacement SAS since 2019.
Prior to this, he worked at Meilleurtaux SASU from 2011 to 2020, where he held the position of Head-Marketing & Information Technology from 2016 to 2020.

Foto Guillaume Cuvelier
Guillaume Cuvelier

Mr. Guillaume Cuvelier is an Advisory Partner at Alliance Consumer Growth LLC.
In 1998, Mr. Cuvelier created the premium vodka brand, SVEDKA, and launched it in the US.
He has been active in the venture capital market with a focus on premium consumer goods and beverages.
As such, he has invested and advises brands like LEBLON, a Cachaca from Brazil, and TY KU, a line of super-premium Sake from Japan.
He’s on the Board of SAVELLI srl, a maker of luxury phones, and CUVELIER LOS ANDES, a wine bodega in Mendoza, Argentina.
He’s also on the Board of The Knights, an innovative classical music orchestra in New York.
As a French citizen, Mr. Cuvelier grew up in Paris where he received his college degree in 1982, and afterward, completed his military duty as a First Lieutenant with the French mountain troops at the 13eme Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpin, in Chambery, France.
He received his MBA from Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia.

Foto Guillaume Chieusse
Guillaume Chieusse

Guillaume Chieusse has worked as the Head of All Cap & Small Cap Opportunities at Oddo BHF Asset Management SAS since 2011.

Foto Guillaume Michelet
Guillaume Michelet

Guillaume Michelet is currently a Manager at Stratège Finance SA. Previously, he worked as a Gérant at Neuflize OBC Asset Management SA from 2006 to 2010.
He also worked as a Portfolio Manager at ABN AMRO Investment Solutions SA.

Foto Guillaume Hemmerlé
Guillaume Hemmerlé

Guillaume Hemmerlé is currently working as an Investment Director at Sigma Gestion SA since 2011.
He is also a Director at DirectStreams SA since 2012, Agricap SA since 2015, Holding ISF Fortuna SA since 2009, Toosla SA since 2021, Paramax SAS, Immobilier Solidarité SA since 2017, Fabentech SAS since 2014, and ChoYou SARL.
Previously, he worked as a Director at Lascom SA, ETX Studio SA, Miliboo SA, and as a Member-Supervisory Board at Webdyn SA, Nexess SA, and Linkfluence SAS.
Mr. Hemmerlé completed his undergraduate degree at Institut Supérieur de Gestion in 1997.

Foto Guillaume Letartre
Guillaume Letartre

Guillaume Letartre worked as a Director-Sales Manager & Marketing at SASA Industrie SAS.

Foto Guillaume Binder
Guillaume Binder

Guillaume Binder is currently a Director at Medic Vision Imaging Solutions Ltd.
He was previously a Director at BOS Better Online Solutions Ltd.
from 2008 to 2012.
He is a graduate of Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Foto Guillaume Rico
Guillaume Rico

Guillaume Rico has worked at CIC Private Debt SASU since 2004.
He currently holds the position of Deputy General Manager, which he started in 2010.

Foto Guillaume Chaloin
Guillaume Chaloin

Guillaume Chaloin is currently the Head of Equity Management at Delubac Asset Management SA since 2023.
Prior to this, he held the same position at Meeschaert Asset Management SA from 2018 to 2023.

Foto Guillaume Lesueur
Guillaume Lesueur

Guillaume Lesueur currently works at HY24, as Managing Director and Société Générale SA, as Partner.

Foto Guillaume Jabalot
Guillaume Jabalot

Mr. Guillaume Jabalot joined us in 2006 from Apax Partners where he spent four years arranging leveraged buyouts in France.
He started his career in investment banking at Lazard.
He is a graduate of ESSEC and holds an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Foto Guillaume Dupont
Guillaume Dupont

Guillaume Dupont is the founder of CapHorn Invest SAS, which was founded in 2009.
He holds the title of Partner at CapHorn Invest SAS.
Mr. Dupont's former jobs include Director-Investments at Aster Capital Partners SAS from 2007 to 2009, Director at Tiempo SAS, and Director at InterCloud SAS.
Mr. Dupont's education includes a graduate degree from Stanford University and an undergraduate degree from Ecole Polytechnique.

Foto Guillaume Fromont
Guillaume Fromont

Guillaume Fromont is currently a Director at Residentia.
Prior to this, he worked as a Director at Clearstream International SA and as Head-Business Development at CACEIS SAS.
Fromont completed his undergraduate degree at Institut d'Études Politiques d'Aix-en-Provence.

Foto Guillaume Racine
Guillaume Racine

Guillaume Racine was the founder and former CEO of Solutions Alveo, Inc. founded in 2016.
He is also the founder of Interaction Ventures Management, Inc. Mr. Racine's current jobs include Chairman at Nolk Enterprises, Inc., Director at Entreprises Nolk, Inc., and Principal at Ardent Capital Co Ltd.
and Novthe founders Capital.
Mr. Racine's former jobs include Chief-Sector at Fonds de placement HEC, Principal at Desjardins Securities, Inc., and Principal at Presima, Inc. Mr. Racine received an undergraduate degree from HEC Montréal and École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris in 2008 and an MBA from INSEAD in 2013.

Foto Guillaume Durao
Guillaume Durao

Guillaume Durao is currently a Venture Partner at Eurazeo Investment Manager - EIM SA. Previously, he worked as a Director at Peakon ApS and as a Principal at Mangrove Capital Partners SA from 2011 to 2015.

Foto Guillaume Pellenc
Guillaume Pellenc

Guillaume Pellenc worked as an Assistant Fund Manager at Global Investment Managers SA from 2013 to 2015.

Foto Guillaume Truttmann
Guillaume Truttmann

Guillaume Truttmann is currently a Director at Eiffel Investment Group SAS since 2023.
Prior to this, he worked as a Bond Manager at Meeschaert Asset Management SA from 2018 to 2023, and as a Fund Manager & Analyst at Quilvest Asset Management SA (France) from 2014 to 2017.
He also worked as a Portfolio Manager & Analyst at Covéa Finance SAS.

Foto Guillaume Sottil
Guillaume Sottil

Guillame Sottil is an Associate at Change Capital Partners LLP.
Guillaume Sottil has considerable experience of European mid-market consumer and retail buyouts.
He joined Change Capital Partners as an Associate in January 2012 after three years as an Investment Banking Analyst in Rothschild’s consumer and retail advisory team.
Guillaume graduated with a Master of Science in Management from EM Lyon Business School, France in 2009.

Foto Guillaume Burtschell
Guillaume Burtschell

Mr. Guillaume Burtschell is President at Societe Generale Securities Japan Ltd.
Mr. Burtschell was formerly Deputy Head of Principal Finance in London since 2007, where he has contributed to the establishment of a private equity investment portfolio.
He began his career at Societe Generale over 20 years ago, first in French Retail Networks and then in Export Finance at the bank’s corporate and investment banking activity where he held several positions in originating and structuring ECA financing, particularly in the energy sector in the Middle East and Africa.
He was appointed Head of Strategy of SG CIB end of 2003.
Mr. Burtschell is a graduate from Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris and Paris IX Dauphine University.

Foto Guillaume Leglise
Guillaume Leglise

Guillaume Leglise currently works as an Associate Vice President & Analyst at Moody's France SAS.

Foto Guillaume Darbon
Guillaume Darbon

Guillaume Darbon is currently the Chairman at ManageMens SASU since 2016.
Prior to this, he worked at Advent International SAS as an Associate Director from 1998 to 2010.

Foto Guillaume Cousseran
Guillaume Cousseran

Guillaume Cousseran is currently a Partner at Amboise Partners SA since 2017 and a Partner & Investor Relations at Seven2 SAS since 2017.
Previously, he worked as a Director at Buy Way Personal Finance SA. He completed his undergraduate degree at École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris in 2002.

Foto Guillaume Charton
Guillaume Charton

Guillaume Charton worked as a Research Analyst at Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc from 2007 to 2011.

Foto Guillaume Imberti
Guillaume Imberti

Guillaume Imberti formerly worked at VERITAS Software Corp., as Managing Director-Southern European Operations, Crystal Decisions, Inc., as Managing Director-Southern European Operations, Seagate Software Corp., as Managing Director-Southern European Operations, Cheyenne Software, Inc., as VP-Southern European Sales & Operations, and FalconStor Software, Inc., as VP, GM-Europe, Middle East & Africa Operations.

Foto Guillaume Dubray
Guillaume Dubray

Guillaume Dubray was the founder of Active Niche Funds SA (founded in 2007) where he was Head of Research from 2010 to 2012, and Polytech Ventures Holding SA (founded in 2012) where he was previously the Managing Partner.
He is also the founder of Fintech Factory Sàrl and PropTech Partners SA. Currently, he is a Director at Batgroup SA. Previously, he worked as a Director at NetGuardians SA, and as a Principal at Ernst & Young LLP, Rothschild & Co. Bank AG, and Ernst & Young AG.
He was also a Partner at Eurofin Ventures SA from 2012 to 2015.
Mr. Dubray received his undergraduate degree from La Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud in 2002 and his MBA from Manchester Business School.

Foto Guillaume Jetten
Guillaume Jetten

Guillaume Jetten currently works at Academic Medical Center, as Member-Supervisory Board and Amarna Therapeutics BV, as Member-Supervisory Board from 2019.
Mr. Jetten also formerly worked at Wolters Kluwer NV, as Vice President-Group Accounting, Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc., as Chief Financial Officer, Galapagos NV, as Chief Financial Officer from 2009 to 2014, and Parnassia Groep BV, as Member-Supervisory Board.
Mr. Jetten received his graduate degree from Maastricht University.

Foto Eric Guillaume
Eric Guillaume

Eric Guillaume is the founder and Chairman of Virage-viager SAS, a company he founded in 2010.

Foto Guillaume Brisset
Guillaume Brisset

Mr. Guillaume Brisset is a Chief Executive Officer, Partner & Fund Manager at Clartan Associés SAS.
He joined the firm in 2006.
He started his career working with Professor Bertrand Jacquillat at the firm Associés en Finance, and was then recruited as an investor by the Allianz group.
Mr. Brisset holds a dregree from ESCP Europe and a Diplom-Kaufmann from Technische Universität Berlin.
He is also a member of the SFAF (French Society of Financial Analysts).

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